Observatory Work Programme 2015 Alicante, 29 October 2014
Cooperation with EC and other partners Overview Multi-annual Plan Stakeholders consultations Cooperation with EC and other partners WP 2015
Studies Economics and Statistics Provide evidence-based data on the role, importance, and public perception of IP in the EU Quantification of infringement Other types of infringement Study of open licensing and the public domain Geographical Indications Trade secrets and their function in the economy
How to engage civil society Public Awareness How to engage civil society New narrative to sustain awareness campaigns Helping SMEs protect their IP rights funding for existing or developing national awareness raising initiatives Improved communication of the Observatory’s work
Studies Supporting enforcement activities through training Enforcement Enforcement Database (EDB) Data collection, analysis, reporting (Anti-Counterfeiting Intelligence Support Tool, ACIST) Focus on online infringements Reinforced cooperation Building Knowledge and Competences in IP Enforcement
How to support policy makers Legal and International How to support policy makers Best Practices in Enforcement Case-law collection and analysis Trade secret litigation trends Support the protection of IP rights outside the EU (Anti-counterfeiting Rapid Intelligence System, ACRIS)
Respect for IPRs in internet IP in the Digital World Respect for IPRs in internet Help consumers to better differentiate legitimate from infringing websites Analysis of new business models in copyright-based creative industries Research on business models most commonly used to infringe IP online Study on legislative measures related to online sales of counterfeits Orphan Works Registry
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