Welcome to transition night Hillcrest Intermediate School Presented by: Amy Hudson and Natalie Janov
Core subjects/Specials ELA Math (Accelerated math for some fifth graders-see other sheet) Social Studies Science Specials: Gym, Art, Instructional Technology, Library, & Music
How Hillcrest is Different from elementary? Two or three person teams (still in the works) Homeroom/Activity Period time daily (band, Green Team, Principal’s Council, etc. BUT most importantly, time to meet with your teachers for extra help) Three different lunch periods: 5th graders eat either 2nd or 3rd lunch: 10:57-11:27 or 11:40-12:10
SWPBS- (School-wide positive behavior support) Positive reinforcement “Caught you doing something good” Tickets Knight’s Nook Keys- (Bus, Cafeteria, Hallway, Restroom, Classroom, Recess)
REcess Keys to Recess Recess is 3 times out of the six-day cycle (Fifth grade-Days 1, 3, 5; Sixth grade- Days 2, 4, 6) Five different locations for recess around the Hillcrest campus