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Presentation transcript:

Scientific Method

Scientific Method a method of research in which a problem is identified, relevant data are gathered, a hypothesis is formulated from these data, and the hypothesis is empirically tested.

Will the plant grow with no sunlight? Step 1: Ask a question Will the plant grow with no sunlight?

Step 2: Form a Hypothesis

Hypothesis An educated guess What do you think is going to happen based on what you already know? What do you know about plants? Where do they grow?

Will the plant grow with no sunlight? HYPOTHESIS: The plant will NOT grow, as it should without sunlight.

Step 3: Conduct an experiment One plant in sunlight One plant with no sunlight

Step 4: Analyze the results What happened to each plant? Give details throughout the experiment Day 1 : one plant was put in sunlight, one plant was placed in darkness. Day 2: Both plants grew an inch. Day 3: The plant in the sun grew 4 inches, the plant in the dark did not grow. Day 4: The plant in the sun grew 7 inches, the plant in the dark grew 1 inch. Day 5: The plant in the sun grew 1 foot. The plant in darkness grew 2 inches.

Step 5: Conclusion What were the end results? Was your hypothesis correct? The plant that was given sunlight thrived. It grew a foot in 5 days. The plant that was not given sunlight only grew 2 inches in 5 days. It did not thrive. The hypothesis was correct. The plant did not grow as well as the plant that was given sunlight.