CONCEPTS EXPLORED IN THIS LESSON 1) Introduction to Food Chains 2) Food Chains 3) Humans and Food Chains 4) Food Webs 5) Trophic Levels 6) Ecological Pyramids
Keep in mind that the arrow tip always points towards the “eater”. INTRODUCTION TO FOOD CHAINS which organism eats another Food Chain: is a sequence of feeding relationships describing ______ ___________________. The ____ is the ______________ for food chains. Sun source of energy eagle Keep in mind that the arrow tip always points towards the “eater”. snake eater frog grass- hopper grass food
Label and write descriptions on your food chain diagram. INTRODUCTION TO FOOD CHAINS Label and write descriptions on your food chain diagram. eagle Since they _______ make their own food, cannot they must eat or “________” other organisms. consume snake frog They form the _____ of all ________ food chains. basis terrestrial grass- hopper They use the energy in _______ to make their own food sunlight through a process called _____________. grass photosynthesis
FOOD CHAINS Top carnivore: any organism that is __________ by any other. not hunted It’s at the ___ of its food chain. top There are different levels of consumers….. eagle quaternary consumer The ___ consumer in a food chain. It eats ________________. 4th tertiary consumers snake tertiary consumer The ___ consumer in a food chain. It eats __________________. 3rd secondary consumers frog secondary consumer The ___ consumer in a food chain. It eats ________________. 2nd primary consumers grass- hopper primary consumer The ___ consumer in a food chain. It eats _________. 1st producers grass
FOOD CHAINS All organisms eventually die and decompose. eagle is the ___________ of living organisms and the _______ of dead organisms. Detritus: waste matter remains snake are organisms that ___ _______ and break it down into ________. Decomposers: frog detritus eat detritus grass- hopper nutrients decomposers grass are substances needed for an organism’s ______ and _____. Nutrients: The cycle restarts. nutrients growth repair
FOOD CHAINS Food chains can occur in _______ ecosystems. aquatic top carnivore killer whale Marine food chains start with microscopic aquatic organisms called _____________ shark that can perform _____________ to make their own food. phytoplankton photosynthesis larger fish small fish zooplankton phytoplankton
chain start without sunlight and photosynthesis? FOOD CHAINS Food chains can occur in _______ ecosystems. aquatic Though most aquatic food chains start off with photosynthetic phytoplankton that get their energy from the sun, there are exceptions. In the 1970s, scientists discovered deep sea _________________ in the ocean hydrothermal vents which were too deep for _______ to reach. sunlight Here they found new types of _______ that could generate energy using the _______ found in the vents. bacteria Hydrothermal Vent sulfides How could a food chain start without sunlight and photosynthesis?
FOOD CHAINS Food chains can occur in _______ ecosystems. aquatic Though most aquatic food chains start off with photosynthetic phytoplankton that get their energy from the sun, there are exceptions. In the 1970s, scientists discovered deep sea _________________ in the ocean hydrothermal vents which were too deep for _______ to reach. sunlight Chemoautotrophic Bacteria in Hydrothermal Vents Here they found new types of _______ that could generate energy using the _______ found in the vents. bacteria sulfides How could a food chain start without sunlight and photosynthesis? They didn’t need the ___ for energy. sun
Hydrothermal Vent Organisms FOOD CHAINS Food chains can occur in _______ ecosystems. aquatic Bacteria in these vents form the basis of vent food chains in the same way as phytoplankton and plants do in other ecosystems. octopus secondary consumer Hydrothermal Vent Organisms crab primary consumer chemo-autotrophic bacteria producer
HUMANS AND FOOD CHAINS Since humans are not hunted for food by any other animal, and since humans eat almost anything, (well maybe not this) this makes us ____________. top carnivores ? Where are humans on any food chain? Count how many of these animals you’ve eaten in your life.
What food chains did you participate in when you ate this? HUMANS AND FOOD CHAINS Have you ever eaten one of these? What food chains did you participate in when you ate this? What is it made of? wheat beef tomato cheese onion lettuce
HUMANS AND FOOD CHAINS human human human human human Humans are mainly _______ consumers because we eat a lot of _____. primary cow When we eat animals, they are usually _________ , plants so this makes us also _________ consumers. herbivores secondary wheat lettuce onion tomato grass
FOOD WEBS No ecosystem is only made up of only one food chain. Members of one food chain usually also belong to another. When you put all the _____________ food chains in an ecosystem together, you form a ________. interconnecting food web
TROPHIC LEVELS Trophic Level: It is the _______ an organism occupies in a food chain. position Each ___ in the chain represents one trophic level. link grass grass- hopper frog snake eagle phytoplankton zooplankton small fish larger fish shark On land, the first trophic level begins with ______. plants In the water, the first trophic level begins with _____________. phytoplankton
TROPHIC LEVELS Trophic Level: It is the _______ an organism occupies in a food chain. position Each ___ in the chain represents one trophic level. link grass grass- hopper frog snake eagle phytoplankton zooplankton small fish larger fish shark 5th trophic level 4th trophic level 3rd trophic level 2nd trophic level 1st trophic level
TROPHIC LEVELS As organisms eat one another, ______ is transferred up the food chain. energy eagle 0.1 kcal However, as energy is moved from one trophic level to the next, only ___ % of the energy makes it to the next level. - 0.9 kcal 10 snake 1 kcal - 9 kcal This 10 % is used to build _______ biomass frog 10 kcal as well as to fuel ______________. bodily functions - 90 kcal This means that ___% of the energy is lost, 90 grass- hopper 100 kcal mostly in the form of _______ detritus heat - 900 kcal and as ____ from metabolic processes. grass 1000 kcal
ECOLOGICAL PYRAMIDS Ecological Pyramids: These are diagrams that represent each trophic level according to its ______ , _______ or _________. energy biomass population Total energy present in tertiary consumers. 1) Pyramid of Energy: This pyramid indicates the amount of ______ that is present in each trophic level. energy Total energy present in secondary consumers. The amount of energy always _________ as you move up trophic levels. Total energy present in primary consumers. decreases Total energy present in producers.
ECOLOGICAL PYRAMIDS Ecological Pyramids: These are diagrams that represent each trophic level according to its ______ , _______ or _________. energy biomass population 1) Pyramid of Energy: This pyramid indicates the amount of ______ that is present in each trophic level. energy The amount of energy always _________ as you move up trophic levels. decreases
ECOLOGICAL PYRAMIDS Ecological Pyramids: These are diagrams that represent each trophic level according to its ______ , _______ or _________. energy biomass population 2) Pyramid of Biomass: Total biomass present in tertiary consumers. This pyramid indicates the amount of _______ that is present in each trophic level, in a given area. biomass Total biomass present in secondary consumers. Biomass is the amount of _________ (without water) within organisms. dry matter Total biomass present in primary consumers. On land, the amount of biomass _________ as you move up trophic levels. decreases Total biomass present in producers.
ECOLOGICAL PYRAMIDS Ecological Pyramids: These are diagrams that represent each trophic level according to its ______ , _______ or _________. energy biomass population 2) Pyramid of Biomass: This pyramid indicates the amount of _______ that is present in each trophic level, in a given area. biomass Biomass is the amount of _________ (without water) within organisms. dry matter On land, the amount of biomass _________ as you move up trophic levels. decreases
ECOLOGICAL PYRAMIDS Ecological Pyramids: These are diagrams that represent each trophic level according to its ______ , _______ or _________. energy biomass population 2) Pyramid of Biomass: Total biomass present in tertiary consumers. In the water, the amount of biomass ________ as you move up trophic levels, increases Total biomass present in secondary consumers. creating an _______ pyramid. inverted This is only possible because the reproductive rate of the organisms ________ as you go down trophic levels. Total biomass present in primary consumers. increases Total biomass present in phytoplankton.
ECOLOGICAL PYRAMIDS Ecological Pyramids: These are diagrams that represent each trophic level according to its ______ , _______ or _________. energy biomass population 2) Pyramid of Biomass: In the water, the amount of biomass ________ as you move up trophic levels, increases creating an _______ pyramid. inverted This is only possible because the reproductive rate of the organisms ________ as you go down trophic levels. increases
Total population of primary consumers. Total population of producers. ECOLOGICAL PYRAMIDS Ecological Pyramids: These are diagrams that represent each trophic level according to its ______ , _______ or _________. energy biomass population 3) Pyramid of Numbers: Total population of tertiary consumers. This pyramid indicates the _________ of individuals at each trophic level. population Total population of secondary consumers. The typical pyramid of numbers _________ as you move up trophic levels. decreases Total population of primary consumers. This occurs when many _____ and _________ producers feed a ______ number of consumers. small numerous smaller Total population of producers.
ECOLOGICAL PYRAMIDS Ecological Pyramids: These are diagrams that represent each trophic level according to its ______ , _______ or _________. energy biomass population 3) Pyramid of Numbers: This pyramid indicates the _________ of individuals at each trophic level. population The typical pyramid of numbers _________ as you move up trophic levels. decreases This occurs when many _____ and _________ producers feed a ______ number of consumers. small numerous smaller
Total population of primary consumers. ECOLOGICAL PYRAMIDS Ecological Pyramids: These are diagrams that represent each trophic level according to its ______ , _______ or _________. energy biomass population 3) Pyramid of Numbers: Total population of tertiary consumers. However, when the producers are ____ , and are _____ in number than the primary consumers, large fewer Total population of secondary consumers. the pyramid looks like this. Total population of primary consumers. Give an example of the kind of producers that would result in this type of pyramid. Total population of producers.
ECOLOGICAL PYRAMIDS Ecological Pyramids: These are diagrams that represent each trophic level according to its ______ , _______ or _________. energy biomass population 3) Pyramid of Numbers: However, when the producers are ____ , and are _____ in number than the primary consumers, large fewer the pyramid looks like this. Give an example of the kind of producers that would result in this type of pyramid.
The End!
Created by Anh-Thi Tang – Tangstar Science Copyright © August 2014 Anh-Thi Tang (a.k.a. Tangstar Science) All rights reserved by author. This document is for personal classroom use only. This entire document, or any parts within, may not be electronically distributed or posted to any website including teacher or classroom blogs or websites.