Advantages and Strategies for Direct Imaging and Characterization of Exoplanets: 5-minute Summary Wesley A. Traub Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of Technology The Search for Life in the Universe Symposium STScI 4-7 May 2009
Outline The Goals: Earths, Super-Earths, Search for Life Detection: Transits, RV, Astrometry, Imaging Characterization: Transit & Imaging Spectroscopy Primary Transit Secondary Transit Direct Imaging
Observed vs Expected Planets Corot, Kepler, (TESS): How many Earths & Super-Earths? Ref.: (left) Extrasolar Planets Encyclopaedia (2009); (right) Multi-Planet Study (2009)
Astrometry & RV Can Find All Nearby Earths HIP 1475 HIP 56997 HIP 67275 GAIA (70 µas) RV @ 1 m/s TPF-C (8 m) M2 K2 G2 F2 Planets ~Tidally Locked Concentrate observing time (40% on a small number ~60 for SIM-Lite) over a 5 year mission. To achieve sensitivity to 1 Mearth @ (1 AU) scaled to the luminosity of the star
Transits probably cannot characterize an Earth Signal/Noise values: Nearest examples: Most probably transit will be at 10-20 pc, so 100 times fainter, & 10 times smaller SNR Primary Transit Secondary Transit Direct Imaging Ref.: Kaltenegger & Traub 2009
Planets vs zodi: telescope size matters HST 2.4-m JWST 6.5-m ATLAST 8-m ATLAST 16-m 1.5 m 2.4 m 4 m 10 m Ref.: (upper) M. Postman et al., ATLAST study; (lower) W. Cash et al., NWO study.
Habitability of an Earth-like Planet Molecular column Mass IR flux IR color Vis flux Vis & IR spectra Eff temp. Radius Albedo Greenhouse warming Density of planet Surface gravity Surface & cloud reflectances pressure Scale height of atmos. Lapse rate Temp. TPF-C TPF-C & TPF-I TPF-I SIM measured derived Type of planet Likelihood of plate tectonics & atmos retention Presence of H2O Cumulus, cirrus, ice, rock, sand, water implied
Species SNRs & abundance uncertainties Bottom line: An 8-m telescope can characterize nearby Earths, and search for signs of life. Ref.: M. Postman et al. 2009, ATLAST study.
Overall Summary Detection: Transits will tell us the distribution function of Earths/Jupiters, but not the addresses of the nearest Earths & Super-Earths. Astrometry & RV can tell us the addresses of the nearest Earths. Zodi: We need to measure the zodi around nearby stars. Characterization: Transits will not characterize Earths or Super-Earths, unless we are very lucky. Direct optical imaging, with a large telescope, is needed to characterize nearby Earths, and to search for signs of life on them.