Qualitative Inorganic Analysis By : Tedi Hadiana SMK Negeri 13 Bandung
Separation of cations into groups I (Silver Groups) Ag+,Hg+,Pb2+ IIA (Copper Groups) Cu2+,Hg2+,Cd2+,Bi3+,Pb2+ IIB (Arsenic Groups) As3+,Sb3+,Sn2+ III (Iron Groups) Al3+,Fe3+,Cr3+,Mn2+ IV (Zinc Groups) Ni2+,Co2+,Zn2+,Mn2+ V (Calcium Groups) Ca2+,Sr2+,Ba2+ VI (Residue Groups) Na+,K+,Mg2+,NH4+
Separation of cations into groups Sample Solution Groups I (Residue) Filtrate Groups II (Residue) Groups IIA (Residue) Groups IIB (Filtrate) Groups III (Residue) Groups IV (Residue) Groups VI Groups V (Residue) + HCl 6N + H2O210%, heat + I2 , pH 0,5 + H2S H2S removed (heat) + NH4Cl + NH4OH + (NH4)2Sx + NH4Cl + NH4OH + (NH4)2S + NH4Cl + (NH4)2CO3
Separation and Identification of Groups 1 Residue Groups I may contain: AgCl(white), Hg2Cl2(white), PbCl2(white) Filtrate may contain : PbCl2 Identification: Cool a portion of the solution white crystalline residu of PbCl2 Add 1 M K2CrO4 solution yellow residue of PbCrO4, soluble in NaOH solution Add dilute 2 M H2SO4 (+alcohol) white residue of PbSO4 soluble in NH4OAc solution Filtrate may contain : [Ag(NH3)2]+ Acidity with dilute HNO3 white residue of AgCl Add a few drops of KI solution pale yellow residue of AgI Residue may contain : AgCl, Hg2Cl2 Residue : Hg2Cl2 If black, consists of Hg(NH2)Cl + Hg. Hg22+ present Wash the residu with 2 mL of 2M HCl, then 2-3 times with 1 mL portions of cold water then add 2 mL hot water and heating for 2-3 minutes Pour 1 mL dilute 2 M NH4OH solution
Separation and Identification of Groups 1 Filtrate may contain : Hg(NO3)2 Identification: Place 1 drop filtrate upon SnCl2 paper greyish-black spot of Hg Place drop filtrate on a glossy copper surface silverish spot of Hg Add 1 mL aqua regia (HNO3 : HCl = 1:3) and heat cautiously until the mixture is dry Then add 1 mL 2 M HNO3 (centrifuge) Residue : Hg2Cl2 If black, consists of Hg(NH2)Cl + Hg. Hg22+ present
Separation and Identification of Groups 2A Residue Groups II A may contain : HgS(black), CuS(black), CdS(yellow), Bi2S3{black-brown), PbS (black) Filtrate may contain : Cu, Cd, Bi, Pb Residue may contain : PbSO4 Wash the residue with water to be free of chloride (2-3 times) add 2 mL dilute HNO3 1:1, boil gently for 2-3 minutes (centrifuge) Residue may contain: HgS Wash the residue with aquadest (2-3 times) Add 1 mL aqua regia and heat cautiously until the mixture in dry Add 1 mL water, stir Identification, see Hg+ of groups 1 Filtrate may contain : Cu ,Cd ,Bi Add 5 drops of H2SO4 concentrated and heat cautiously until the mixture is dry Add 1 mL water (centrifuge) Filtrate my contain : Pb2+ Identification: Add a few drop of 1 M K2CrO4 solution yellow residue of PbCrO4 Dissolved residue with 10 drops 2M NH4OAc
Separation and Identification of Groups 2A Filtrate may contain : [Cu(NH3)4]2+ and [Cd(NH3)4]2+ Identification: If deep blue in colour Cu2+ present Confirm Cu2+ by acidifying a portion of the filtrate with dilute 2M HCl and add K4[Fe(CN)6] reddish-brown residue of Cu2Fe(CN)6 Drop of the filtrate upon filter paper and give a NH3 vapor blue spot Pour the filtrate on H2S liquid (If Cu present, add 2 M KCN solution until blue color is discharged) yellow residue of CdS Filtrate may contain : Cu ,Cd ,Bi Residue may contain : Bi(OH)3 Wash the residue with water dissolve in the minimum volume of 2M HCl solution Pour in to SnCl2 solution and more of 2M NaOH black brown residue of Bi Dissolve a little residue in drop of dilute 2 M NaOAc then place upon filter paper moistened with cinchonine-KI reagent orange-red spot Add 6 M NH4OH solution (centrifuge)
Separation and Identification of Groups 2 B Filtrate Groups II B may contain : (NH4)3AsS4, (NH4)2SbS4, (NH4)2SnS3 Filtrate may contain : SbCl3 and SnCl4 Add concentrated 6 M HCl dropwise Warm gently for 3 minutes (centrifuge) Residue may contain : As2S5 Wash the residue with water (1-2 times) Dissolve residue with 1 mL of 6M NaOH solution Filtrate Identification: Add 6 M NaOH solution and add 2 piece metallic Aluminium then gases identification with HgCl2 grey spot from Hg Add H2O2 3% solution and warm for a few minutes oxidize arsenit to arsenat 2 drops of the filtrate + 2 drops 2M HCl solution and add Mg-mixture white residue of MgNH4AsO4 2 drops of the filtrate with HNO3 concentrated and add 10 drops of molibdat reagent yellow residue of NH4-arsenat molibdat Residue Group II B may contain : As2S5 (yellow), Sb2S5 (orange), SnS2 (yellow) Wash the residue with aquadest (2-3 times) Add 6 M HCl and warm gently for 3 minutes (centrifuge)
Separation and Identification of Groups 2 B Filtrate may contain : SbCl2 and SnCl4 Filtrate may contain : Sb3+ Identification: To 2 drops of the filtrate add KNO2 (solid) mixing until gas become steam and then 2 drops of RhodamineB reagent (red color) violet solution Filtrate : Sn2+ Dissolve the filtrate with HgCl2 5 % solution white residue of Hg2Cl2 or grey residue of Hg (Sn present) Place 1 drop the filtrate upon cacothilin paper red or purple spot (Sn present) Add metallic iron in to the filtrate Warm gently for 3 minutes Add 10 mL of water (centrifuge)
Separation and Identification of Groups 3 Residue Groups III may contain : Fe(OH)3 (brown), Al(OH)3 (white), Cr(OH)3 (green), MnO2.xH2O (brown) Filtrate may contain : NaAlO2, Na2CrO4 Wash the residue with a little NH4NO3 solution (2-3 times) Add 1,5 mL of 2M NaOH and 0.5 mL 6% H2O2 Boil gently until the evolution of O2 ceases (2-3 minutes)-(centrifuge) Residue may contain : Fe(OH)3, MnO2.xH2O Filtrate may contain : Fe3+ Identification: To the filtrate add a few drops of 2 M KSCN solution deep red colouration (Fe present) To the filtrate add K4[Fe(CN)4] solution blue residue (Fe present) Wash the residue with 1 mL of NH4NO3 solution. Dissolve residue in to 5 drops of HCl concentrated then dilute solution until 1 mL Filtrate may contain : Mn2+ To the filtrate add 5 drops of 6 M HNO3 solution and a few drops of NaBiO3/KIO4/PbO2 warm for a few minutes violet solution (Mn present) Heat 2 drops of the filtrate until the mixture is dry add Na2CO3 solid and KClO3 solid then melted green solution of K2MnO4 (Mn present)
Separation and Identification of Groups 3 Filtrate may contain : NaAlO2, Na2CrO4 Acidify with HOAc until just neutral (test with litmus paper) (centrifuge) Filtrate may contain : Al3+ Identification: To the filtrate add 2 drops of 6M NH4OH solution white residue of Al(OH)3 To 5 drops of the filtrate add 2 drops of 6M NH4OAc solution and 3 drops of the aluminon reagent then heat for 5 minutes. Add (NH4)2CO3 until just alkaline and add 3 drops later red residue Filtrate may contain : Cr3+ Acidity with acetic acid and add Pb(OAc)2 solution yellow residue of PbCrO4 To 5 drops of the filtrate add 2 drops of AgNO3 solution red residue of Ag2CrO4 Residue may contain : Al(OH)3 Filtrate may contain : Na2CrO4 Wash the residue with a few water Dissolve with a few 2M HCl solution
Separation and Identification of Groups 4 Residue Groups IV may contain : CoS (black), NiS (black), MnS (brown), ZnS (putih) Filtrate may contain : ZnCl2, MnCl2 Wash the residue with a little NH4OH solution (2-3 times) Add 1 mL water and 6 drop 2M HCl solution If black Residue may contain : CoS, NiS Filtrate may contain : Ni2+ Identification: Add 5 drop NH4Cl solution + NH4OH solution (until alkaline) + DMG reagent red residue Wash the residue with 1 mL of acetic acid solution. Dissolve the residue in 1 mL of aqua regia and heat cautiously until the mixture is dry. Then add 1 mL 2M HCl solution Filtrate may contain : Co2+ Add 0.5 mL amyl alcohol, 0.5 g solid KSCN and shake well amyl alcohol layer coloured blue Add 5 drop 2M HCl + -nitroso -naphtol + chloroform Chloroform layer coloured red
Separation and Identification of Groups 4 Filtrate may contain : ZnCl2, MnCl2 Heat until H2S removed, Add 10 drops 6M NaOH + H2O2 . Boil gently until the evolution of O2 ceases (2-3 minutes) Residue may contain : MnO2 Filtrate may contain : Na2ZnO2 Identification: Acidity with acetic acid and pass H2S white residue of ZnS Acidity with H2SO4, add 0,5mL of 0,1% CuSO4 solution and 1 mL (NH4)2[Hg(CNS)4] reagent (stir) violet residue Acidity with H2SO4, add K4[Fe(CN)6] white residue Wash the residue with 1 mL of water Dissolve residue in to 5 drops of HCl concentrated then dilute solution until 1 mL Filtrate may contain : Mn2+ Identification: To the filtrate add 5 drops of 6 M HNO3 solution and a few drops of NaBiO3/KIO4/PbO2 warm for a few minutes violet solution
Separation and Identification of Groups 5 Residue Groups V may contain : CaCO3 (white), BaCO3 (white), SrCO3 (white) Filtrate may contain : Ca2+, Sr2+ Wash the residue with aquadest (2-3 times) Dissolved residue with few hot 2M acetic acid solution Then add 3 drop NH4OAc + K2CrO4 Residue may contain : BaCrO4 Identification : Dissolve the residue in a little concentrated HCl (flame test) Green (yellowish-green) flame Filtrate may contain : Ba2+ Identification: add a few drops of 2 M H2SO4 solution white residue of BaSO4 Wash the residue with hot water Dissolve residue in 1mL of hot 2M HCl solution Residue may contain : SrSO4 Filtrate add 2 mL saturated (NH4)SO4 solution, followed by 0.2 g Na2S2O4 heat in a beaker of boiling water for 5 minute Filtrate may contain : Ca2+
Separation and Identification of Groups 5 Residue may contain : SrSO4 Identification : Wash with a little water, then dry the residue. With a few drops concentrated HCl apply the flame test crimson flame (Sr present) Filtrate may contain : Ca2+ Add a little (NH4)2C2O4 solution , 2mL 2M acetic acid and warm on a water bath White residue of CaC2O4
Separation and Identification of Groups 6 Filtrate Groups V I may contain : Mg2+, Na+, K+ Filtrate may contain : Mg2+ Identification : add 2 drops of magneson reagent, + NaOH solution until alkaline blue residue Add 2 drops 2M NH4Cl + NH4OH +Na2HPO4 solution white residue of MgNH4PO4 Put filtrate in evaporation crucible It is evaporated to dryness and heated until all the ammonium salts have been volatilized The dry residue is extracted with water Filtrate may contain : Na+ Add a little Uranyl zink acetate reagent, shake and allow to stand for a few minutes yellow crystalline residu Filtrate may contain : K2+ Add a little Sodium hexanitrito-cobaltate(III) solution and drops dilute acetic acid. Stir and allow to stand for 1-2 minutes yellow residue of K2[Co(NO2)6]
Filtrate : Soda Extract Separation and Identification of Sulphates, Sulphites, Oxalates, Chromates, Flourides Filtrate : Soda Extract Acidity 1 mL of filtrate with 1 M HCl solution Add Cd(NO3)2 solution to discharge sulphides ions Filtrate Residue : CdS, S Identification : CdS yellow residue S white residue (from Na2S2O3) Add BaCl2 solution Residue : SO42- Identification : BaSO4 white residue There is SO42- present Filtrate Add Br2 solution shake well until the filtrate is not decolourized Residue : SO32- and S2O32- Identification : BaSO4 white residue There is SO32- or S2O32- present Filtrate
Residue : H2CrO4/H2Cr2O7, HF and H2C2O4 Separation and Identification of Sulphades, Sulphites, Oxalates, Chromates, Flourides Filtrate Add NaOAc solution (centrifuge) Residue : H2CrO4/H2Cr2O7, HF and H2C2O4 Identification : BaCrO4 yellow residue (there is H2CrO4 or H2Cr2O7 present) BaF2 white (if there have a lot of HF and H2C2O4 ) Filtrate : Identification : Add CaCl2 white residue of CaC2O4 and white residue of CaF2 (centrifuge) Place the residue in 2 M HOAc solution and add 1 drops of 0,2 M KMnO4 shake and warming (If KMnO4 is bleached, add KMnO4 solution in excess until the colour is constant) If all of the residue is dissolved just H2C2O4 present If there is still the residue H2C2O4 and HF present If adding 1 drops of 0,2 M KMnO4 is not decolourized CaF2 residue and just HF present
Separation and Identification of Sulphades, Sulphites, Oxalates, Chromates, Flourides Residue may contain : AgCl (white), AgSCN (white), AgBr (white-yellow), AgI (yellow) If there is SCN-, AgSCN must be removed first as follows : Add 1mL of HNO3 concentrate and steam solution until almost dry (repeat once more until oxidation AgSCN has finished) Wash the residue has been free AgSCN with 1 mL of H2O and 5 drops of 6 M HNO3 until free of Ag+ Add 10 drops of 1 M (NH4)2CO3 (centrifuge) Filtrate : Ag(NH3)2+, Cl- Identification : At a part of filtrate add 1 drops 1 M KBr yellowish white residu of AgBr , Cl- present Acidity with 6 M HNO3 white residue of AgCl, Cl- present Residue may contain : AgBr, Agl
Residue may contain : AgBr, Agl Separation and Identification of Sulphades, Sulphites, Oxalates, Chromates, Flourides Residue may contain : AgBr, Agl Add a few of Zn solid and 1 mL 2M H2SO4 (by reduce coming about HBr and HI) centrifuge Identification filtrate about Iodide : To the filtrate add 1drop of 0,1 M FeCl3 (1:1) and place 1 drop of solution upon starch paper blue spot of I- If Iodide is present must be remove first as follows : A part of the filtrate adding 0,1 FeCl3 (1:1) and boil gently until all iodide are volatilized (test with starch paper) 3. For the filtrate of free from Iodide add 3 drops of 0,1 M KMnO4 and 3 drops of 3 M H2SO4 then shake well. KMnO4 excess must be remove with 10% H2O2 Add CHCl3 CHCl3 layer coloured brown Bromide present
Preliminary Test For Solid Samples Generally test Appearance : Observe whether it is crystalline or powder magnetic possesses any characteristic odour or colour Flame test Test with H2SO4 (dilute and concentrated) Test with NaOH Test with KHSO4 Solubility test
Chemical substance type Solid Liquid Gas Crystalline Powder
Difference of Crystalline and Powder type Very small particle size (fine grained) Large particle size than powder Memiliki kilap saat terkena cahaya Tidak memiliki kilap Ex. : CaCO3, MnSO4, Amyllum, etc Ex. : NaCl, Na2S2O3, CuSO4, K2Cr2O7, etc
Some of commonly occurring coloured compound are listed below: Chemical Compound Red As2S2, HgI2, Sb2S3, Cu2O, K3[Fe(CN)6], Fe(SCN)3, etc Orange-red K2Cr2O7 Reddish-purple KMnO4 Pink Hydrated salts of Manganese and of Cobalt Yellow K2CrO4, K4[Fe(CN)6], CdS, Fe(III), PbI2, etc Green Cr(III), Fe(II), Ni(II), Cr2O3, K2MnO4, etc Blue Cu(II), anhydrous cobalt salts Brown Fe2O3, Fe(OH)3, MnO2, etc Black PbS, FeS, NiS, CuS, HgS, C, etc
Hygroscopis Properties Some chemical substance can easily catch water from air Chemical substance wet looks Generally, chloride salt have hygroscopis properties. Example : CaCl2, MgCl2, CoCl2 , FeCl3, MnCl2, etc Other example : NaOH, KOH, etc
Some of commonly occurring odoured compound are listed below: Odors Some of commonly occurring odoured compound are listed below: Odors Chemical Compound Ammonia Ammonium salt Bad smell (H2S) Sulfide salt Reddish-purple KMnO4 Pink Hydrated salts of Manganese and of Cobalt Yellow K2CrO4, K4[Fe(CN)6], CdS, Fe(III), PbI2, etc Green Cr(III), Fe(II), Ni(II), Cr2O3, K2MnO4, etc Blue Cu(II), anhydrous cobalt salts Brown Fe2O3, Fe(OH)3, MnO2, etc Black PbS, FeS, NiS, CuS, HgS, C, etc