“5-Minute Prep” For Earth’s Natural Resources DE Science Elementary “5-Minute Prep” For Earth’s Natural Resources Renewable Resources Soil
Soil – The Big Ideas Soil is made from weathered rock and organic material from dead animals and plants. Soil contains many living organisms that are important to the ecosystem. Soil is necessary for the survival of many plants. Soil that is rich with decayed organisms is best for growing most plants, including food plants for people. Soil appears in layers of bedrock, subsoil, and topsoil, which vary by location.
Soil – Prior Knowledge Students have probably interacted with the soil before, but they may not know what it is composed of, or contains. Students may already know that the soil appears in layers. It would be helpful if students viewed the FUN-damental Earth’s Resources before beginning this unit. In addition, it would help students if they: Have interacted with different types of soil. Know that soil contains decayed plants and animals.
Soil – Common Misconceptions Soil can be used up and never replaced. Reality: It takes many years to replace soil once it has been taken away. Soil is always brown. Reality: Soil comes in many colors, and is composed of various particle sizes. The color is dependent upon the rock type from which the soil is formed over time. Soil is alive. Reality: While living things live in soil and organic soil is composed of once living things, soil itself is not living.
Soil – Using DE Science Content When you close this presentation, you can review the following recommended resources for Soil. Exploration: Soil Reading Passage: Properties of Soil Video: Soils E Book: Huge Gain and Tiny Loss Use the PowerPoint version of this presentation for hyperlinks to these resources or you can get to them through the browser or search feature.
Soil – Instructional Ideas As students watch the video called Soils, students should consider the opening question: What is the composition of soils? While they are watching the video, they should take notes to: name the four layers of soil, the three classes of soil, two soil problems, and the one best type of soil for growing plants. Students should read the passage Properties of Soil. Then, provide students with different soil samples including clay and sand. Allow students to explore the color, particle size, texture, and how well each holds water.
Additional Information: State standards: If you wish to review your state standards about Soil, click here to get to the curriculum standards search feature of DES. http://discoveryeducation.com/forward/curriculum.cfm You can click on any standard to see what resources are available to teach it. Additional Information: For additional content, check the Extend section within the concept.