Navigator Coaching Model Student Culture and DDI Part 1
Opening Questions (pair/share) How do the action steps (weekly and monthly) support the development of student culture in your classroom? Data driven instruction? What can be improved? How are you tracking your data to guide intervention groups/whole class reteaching?
Today’s Objective: To communicate the coaching observation and meeting expectations at Navigator.
Coaching Meeting Types Monthly IA Data Meeting Driving IA questions/pre-meeting sheet Weekly Coaching Meetings Student culture rubric/TLAC strategies
Monthly IA Data Meeting One week before IA: Complete IA predictions and turn in to Sharon Bring to meeting: Completed “Assessment Teacher Reflection: For each assessment, complete for standards NOT MASTERED” Data reports (highlight standards/questions below 80%) At meeting: Analyze data and come up with two DDI action steps for the following unit Post-Meeting: DDI action steps are followed up with at weekly coaching meetings and during walk-throughs
Monthly IA Data Meeting
Role Play: The Weekly Meeting Enter Crystal (2nd Grade ELA Teacher) and Sharon (Super Star Coach)
Weekly Coaching Meetings Before Meeting Coaches observe/video in classrooms… looking for positive praise (based on previous action steps) and opportunities Bring to Meeting Navi Binder with whole class and intervention data (to be revisited at the end of this meeting!!) At Meeting Celebrating successes and coming up with new action steps: 1.DDI action step 2. student culture/teaching strategy AS Coach completes observation tracker with AS After Meeting Teacher gets hard and electronic copy of Weekly Meeting Notes Action steps are followed up with at weekly coaching meetings and during walk-throughs
Sample Meeting Notes with Action Steps
Navigator Binders What goes in them? (Minimum expectation as of now) Intervention tracker: Whole class standards progress Intervention groups by standard 2. Weekly Meeting Notes
Exit Ticket How are you tracking your data? Complete on paper and turn in: 2 templates that you will using in your binder to: Drive intervention groups Ideas: Intervention tracking sheet (modified as fits your needs) , whole class attendance Track whole class mastery of a standard Ideas: Poster/whiteboard with standards/objectives for prove/disprove, paper in binder The Plan: Have whole class and intervention data ready in your binder for your coaching meeting next week
How are you tracking your data? Data tracking plan to drive intervention groups: Data tracking plan to track whole class mastery of a standard: