Antioxidants for Healthy Male Organ Skin


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Presentation transcript:

Antioxidants for Healthy Male Organ Skin

Because many men think of their manhood primarily in terms of its usefulness in sensual activities, they don’t always remember that good member health means more than taking steps to ensure a solid working tumescence. But in fact, there are many different aspects of member health, including taking steps to ensure healthy male organ skin, both for practical and aesthetic reasons. Part of keeping male organ skin healthy involves incorporating antioxidants into the manhood care routine. member health

What are antioxidants? On a technical level, an antioxidant is a molecule that helps keep other molecules from getting oxidized. Oxidation, in turn, is a chemical process that creates something called free radicals, which then can cause damage to cells, such as skin cells. They can also contribute to heart disease, cancer and other health conditions. However, not all free radicals are bad, and a certain amount of them are useful. For example, oxidation is important in helping the liver detoxify food and the body to help fight certain bacteria. On a more-than-molecular level, antioxidants refers to those vitamins, minerals and nutrients that have an ability to keep those free radicals (and the damage they do) at bay.

How do antioxidants help skin? Many skin care products are rich in antioxidants, because keeping oxidative stress from damaging skin cells helps ensure the health of skin. There are many things that can damage the skin, both on the surface and on a more molecular level. The stronger the skin is on the molecular level, the better it is able to withstand attacks on the surface level.

How does a person get antioxidants? The body itself makes some antioxidants and depends upon a healthy diet to help supplement these amounts. Some foods are richer sources of antioxidants than others. According to the U.S. Department of Agriculture, the following are foods particularly high in antioxidants: - Goji berries - Wild blueberries - Dark chocolate - Pecans - Artichokes - Elderberries

- Kidney beans - Cranberries - Blackberries - Cilantro And these are some of the herbs that are very good sources of antioxidants: - Clove - Cinnamon - Oregano - Turmeric - Cocoa

- Cumin - Dried parsley - Basil - Ginger - Thyme As mentioned earlier, many skin care products are also good sources of antioxidants. This can be especially important because skin that is damaged by free radicals can be vulnerable – and unattractive as well.

Free radical damage is one of the things that lead to skin looking early on aged. It can contribute to drying out and to the cracks, wrinkles and blemishes that can mar otherwise attractive skin. This is as true of male organ skin as it is of skin elsewhere on the body. Male organ skin is naturally delicate, so that the manhood is more readily receptive to friction and stimulation. This can also make it more susceptible to cracking and wrinkling. When cracks appear on the member skin, they can also open up a pathway for bacteria to get inside, creating further member health concerns.

For this reason, male organ skin needs to be exposed to a healthy level of antioxidants. One way to help achieve this is through the daily application of a first rate member health crème (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin). Clearly, for it to be effective, the crème must include antioxidants. This can more readily be achieved if the crème contains vitamins A and C, as well as alpha lipoic acid. All three of these have antioxidant capabilities. Vitamin A has the added bonus of fighting bacteria that cause manhood odor, while vitamin C also helps give male organ skin its necessary tone and elasticity. Alpha lipoic acid has strong antioxidant properties and also helps boost those of vitamin C.member health crème