By: Ashley Martin The famous African American achiever named Madam C.J.WAlker
Time line Born as Sarah Breedlove Yellow fever epidemic strikes killing many and the cotton crop was spoiled Sarah left her sister and married one Moses McWilliams Sarah has a daughter, Lelia Moses dies Sarah moves to St. Louis Sarah moves to Denver, Colorado Sarah got married to Charles Joseph Walker, becoming Madam C. J. Walker Madam Walker moved to Pittsburgh and opened the Lelia college Madam Walker moved to Indianapolis, Indiana to start her headquarters for her hair products Madam Walker dies
Facts Facts She couldn’t get a education when she was young because she worked all the time. She was the first black woman in America to be a millionaire. Where she used to live blacks where getting killed. Madam was orphaned at the age of seven She never got an award but she made headlines of a newspaper. Madam cj walker never won a award, but she became a successful woman
Quotes I got my start by giving myself a start. I am a woman that came from the cotton fields from the south. I was promoted to the cook kitchen. I have build my own factory on my own ground. God had answered her prayer’s, for one night she had a dream and that dream is to dream big and god had told her what to mix for her hair
Hair products One of hair products was name grease. It is a good product to some people but not all
achievements One of her biggest achievements was that madam C.J. Walker achieve was being the first successful black woman
How it inspired me It inspired me to think that u can do all things in Christ that strengths you and I think that it inspired madam C.J. walker that she could do anything if u just believe in your self that you could be a successful person in life if you really try
Bibliography I used the following :