*Concept of teacher development and its needs *qualities of an English teacher English Seminar By: Kavitha S Roll No : 51 Pedagogy of English B.Ed., 1st year ( 2 nd semester )
Introduction Johann Amos Comenius ( ) brought into light inhuman practice of teachers using the students servants. He is known as the Father of Modern Education. Development means change and growth. Teacher development is the process of becoming ‘the best kind of teacher that I personally can be’ (Underhill 1986 p1). Teaching is the profession that teaches all the other professions – Bal Gangadhar Tilak.
Concrete Skills of a Teacher Concrete Skills Observe (notice or see) Teach ( Explain) Reflect (give thought to) Assess (evaluate or quality)
Teacher Development in language training
Teacher Development Teacher development is a process, not an event. Teacher to be linkage with other teachers and supervisor to help them. Solve problems and support each other through discussion, modeling and coaching and involvement with other aspects of school and educational change. Development may be move from unconscious incompetence (unaware that we are doing something badly) to unconscious competence. (doing something well without thinking) - Underhill 1992:76 Development may be brought about breaking our own teaching rules or norms as way of challenging what we have taken for granted - Fanselow 1987
Its Needs:
Professional development for a teacher Team teaching and Peer monitoring
Observing and Interacting with subject experts
Giving and Receiving Feedback from counseling pupils and parents
A Positive Attitude in a teacher makes all difference. Designing an effective plan also key to success. Keeping in mind student’s requirement and expectations. Students needs attention in Vocabulary, grammar, or tenses. Teachers analyze the learning style and learning strategies. Class room management and time management are important and ensuring disciple. Atmosphere should be lively and animated.
Effective Teacher of English possesses 5 I’s Imagination –New Ideas, lively participation Innovativeness – Action, Reality, Feedback & Idea phase Interaction – motivate, create opportunities Independent thinking – own ideas without someone help Interdependence – taking dependent to independent to interdependent 5 I’s of English teacher
Conclusion A teacher of English who is imaginative, innovative, interactive, independent and interdependent can be successful in the field and can lead the students. A good teacher is at the root of the success of a students. An effective teacher involving out new ideas and creating new things. A Professional teacher needs an effective plan. A teacher must be a model and good coach. As a teacher we must motivate and encourage the students.