Chapter 20 Future Trends in Sport
Chapter Outline Social Trends Conflict Between Performance Sport and Participation Sport Effects of Social Changes Effects of Spectatorship (continued)
Chapter Outline (continued) Effects of Technology Effects of the Electronic Media Will Sport Change? Chapter Summary
U.S. Social Trends That Will Affect Sport Global trends (terrorism, global economy) Increase in older athletes Protection of citizen rights Protection of sport investments Increase in sport management Records being broken Increase in coaching competency
Performance Sport: United States Participation in performance sport at the youth level will increase for those who can afford it. Schools will invest more in college athletic programs but will face continued financial struggles. Professional sport will continue to dominate and may develop true world championships.
Performance Sport: International Soccer participation and spectatorship will increase around the globe (including United States). Olympics will become more professional. Female sport will continue to grow. Drug-testing programs will expand.
Participation Sport Health struggles will continue to grow. Development programs will use sport as vehicle for other social efforts. Connection between physical activity and better health, less disease, and greater quality of life will become more evident. (continued)
Participation Sport (continued) Community programs, extreme sports will increase. Funding will continue to face challenges.
Effects of Social Changes The U.S. Civil Rights Act increased opportunities for diversity in sport, but opportunities for minorities still lag. Women will increase participation, influence. As the average age of the U.S. population moves up, demand for leagues will grow. Opportunities for athletes with same-sex orientation or with disabilities may rise.
Effects of Spectatorship Pay-per-view and Internet viewing will continue to revolutionize fan experiences. The growing spectatorship will increase participation if the boom of electronic spectatorship does not prevent it. Legalization of sport gambling will be attempted. Competition for fans’ time and commitment will increase.
Discussion Do you think the personality of a star athlete is necessary to keep fan interest high? In a related question, do leagues and teams provide the commitment necessary to engage fans in the long term?
Effects of Technology Equipment and facility improvements will result in higher performance. Training methods will improve. New and improved drugs and performance enhancers will appear. Ability to recover from injury will improve. Discussion: Will genetic engineering play a role in sport?
Effects of Electronic Media Sport action will be viewed on demand. Fantasy teams and leagues will be interactive. Sports wagering over the Internet will grow. Athletes will become more accessible to fans through social media and business necessities. Giants like ESPN will continue to grow.
Discussion Will sport really change? (How can it not change?) Who will lead the changes? Who will fight for change? Consider the different social theories discussed in chapter 2.