Cow Governments
Capitalism Capitalism (the USA) You have 2 cows. What can you do with them? You can do anything with the cows what you want: milk them and sell the milk, sell a cow and buy a bull to mate them and then selling the calves, eat them, etc. Buy or sell anything (legal) to make money, it is your choice!
Socialism Socialism You have 2 cows. What can you do with them?. The government takes your cows and puts them with everyone else’s. Then, it gives you milk “as you need it”. The government controls things and gives them out as needed.
Communism Communism You have 2 cows. What can you do with them? Communism You have 2 cows. What can you do with them? Everyone puts their cows together and share the milk. There is no greed. All people share and take what they need. Everyone is equal in society. The true sense of Communism has never existed. There is no government. Everyone shares.
Russian Communism
Russian Communism Russian Communist You have 2 cows. What can you do with them? The government takes your cows and sells the milk back to you. The government controls everything.
Authors Adam Smith wrote The Wealth of Nations about the theory of capitalism. He believed in laissez-faire (hands off) economics. The government shouldn’t interfere. Karl Marx wrote the Communist Manifesto. He is the father of communism.