Using Source Material Effectively IV. Taking Notes Using Source Material Effectively
Table of Contents Frustration with Source Material 3 Elements to Mark in Source Material 4 Jamie’s Understanding Leads to Writing 5 Types of Note-taking 6 Review Notes Taken 7 Direct Quote, Paraphrase, and Summary 8 End Product 9 Jamie’s Next Step: Works Cited Page 10
After finding source material, it is sometimes difficult to know what to do with all of the information. Where do I begin? I feel lost!
To begin taking notes, use a highlighter to underline or write on the materials printed from Web sites, books and library databases. Or you can use Microsoft word and copy & paste your material to highlight electronically. names and dates facts and/or statistical information information that supports the thesis information from experts in the field contradictory information passages that just seem important
It isn’t that hard… I think I need to do some writing. I should look for information that is connected to my thesis. Now I understand how to begin . It isn’t that hard… I think I need to do some writing.
There are many ways to take notes on source material. Highlight or write on the source material. Create a reading response journal. Free write some of your thoughts. Create notes/index cards of important passages.
Review source material for information that can be used for the research paper. Now that I understand my source material from my journal writing, free writing, and note cards, I can think about how I will use some of this information in my paper. I wonder if there are different ways to use the source material… Do I have to cite it?
There are different methods for putting source material into research papers: Direct Quote This is a word-for-word representation of the original passage in MLA format. Example “Many parents are unconcerned about TV violence. They say that children are savvy enough about TV violence to distinguish between fantasy and reality and to avoid harmful influences” (“Television Violence”). Paraphrase Take the original passage and put it into your own words. Make sure to represent all points and give the original author credit. Parents don’t seem to be worried about the violence on television saying that their children can really tell the difference between what is real and not real and that their children know enough not to be influenced (“Television Violence”). Summary Condense all of the original information and then use only the main points. According to “Television Violence,” parents are not concerned about their children watching violent television.
Wow, now I have: information ready to use in my research paper, and a working Works Cited list. a clear understanding of my source material,
These online sites really helped me! Evaluating Content in the Source Modern Language Association Format Quotation, Paraphrase, Summary
I am off to work on my Works Cited page.