Patrick Henry That's Me!! By : Cameron
Patrick Henry was born on May 29th , 1736 in Hanover County, Virginia He was born , Of course! Patrick Henry was born on May 29th , 1736 in Hanover County, Virginia
Professions (Jobs) When he was 15 years of age, he was a clerk in a local store At the age of 24, and after studying just one law book, he became a lawyer
He got married! When he was 18,he got married to Sarah Shelton
Virginia House of Burgesses Patrick Henry was elected to the Virginia House of Burgesses in the year 1765, the year of the Stamp Act.
Election Time! Patrick Henry was elected as governor of Virginia and served 5 terms. In1786,he retired to his home near Hampden-Sidney,Virginia to continue working on his law practice
Sad but true.. Patrick Henry lived to be 63 years old and died on his plantation, “Red Hill” on June 6th , 1799.
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Resources The New Book Of Knowledge. 8.