Hamlet Research Paper
Essay Topics Argue for Hamlet's sanity or insanity, supporting with key pieces of evidence and interpreting them in order to prove your case. You must also acknowledge how the opposing view would interpret that piece of evidence, and then explain why your interpretation is superior. You must use quotes from the play as your pieces of evidence, and cite them properly in your essay. How does Hamlet change over the course of the play? Does he change? Support with quotes from the text, interpret them in support of your argument, and cite them properly. Is Hamlet an admirable hero, why or why not? Compare and contrast two characters in the play. For example: Hamlet and Laertes, Ophelia and Gertrude, Polonius and “Rosencrantz and Guildenstern”, or any two main characters you wish. Tell how they are similar, how they are different, and why these similarities and differences are important to the play. Support with quotes from the text, interpret them in support of your argument, and cite them properly. Any topic of your choice that has: Readily available scholarly research A narrow scope Prior approval by me.
Requirements 3-5 Page Length Must incorporate 2 scholarly sources Must address the counter argument in each topic Must be written in MLA format with in-text citations and a works cited page Times New Roman, Double-spaced, 12-font If you would like me to read a draft of your paper, please send it at least 2 days before the due date This paper will be due on Friday, February 24th, by midnight via turnitin.com 100 Points - Graded using the AP Rubric Rubric Here