Agenda for L3 2016-09-29 9:15 Start Trying a tool: cocktail party Learning diaries Knowledge creation as a social process 10:30 Break Trying a tool: me-we-us Trying a tool: idealogue Next week: meeting teams 12:00 End
The Cocktail Party exercise Warm-up The Cocktail Party exercise
The Cocktail Party exercise + ”Contract” with the clients Warm-up The Cocktail Party exercise + ”Contract” with the clients
Learning diaries
Divergence-convergence (Hogan 2003)
Divergence-convergence Knowledge creation as a social process A ”thing” vs. ”action” Judgment, evaluation Relativity Acting upon Other’s contributions What is being said, done Support from others Artifacts (Hogan 2003)
Divergence-convergence Knowledge creation as a social process (Gherardi 2009) Divergence-convergence Knowledge creation as a social process Practice theoretical view Knowledge is Embedded in doing, in practices, Tacit (we know more than we can say) Based on basic assumptions Relevant to some community: engineering, business, design, company… Boundaries, tensions effect knowledge creation But: a common goal Knowledge A ”thing” vs. ”action” Judgment, evaluation Relativity Acting upon Other’s contributions What is being said, done Support from others Artifacts (Hogan 2003)
How a facilitator can help? Transforming knowledge Transforming knowledge is a process of mutual adaptation A process of negotiation between actors Make individual views, assumptions visible Generate dialogue Between individual views Relate to common goal Use tools, e.g. Idealogue Dynamic facilitation (Carlile 2004)
PDP Needs for facilitation Teaming up challenges: basic rules, team roles, team dynamics interaction between team and manager communication commitment, participation
PDP Needs for facilitation 2. Midpoint transition challenges: appreciating work that has been done knowing where the project is going at a moment what has been accomplished challenges that have been met
PDP Needs for facilitation 3. Team spirit challenges: stress, need to deliver social well-being, good mood commitment feelings of success supporting creativity
PDP Needs for facilitation 4. International collaboration challenges: Part of the team works abroad Virtual context, time differences, task division, use of tools Cultural diversity
PDP Needs for facilitation 5. Team-sponsor interface challenges: proactive reporting to the sponsor
Trying a method: MeWeUs Trying another method: Idealogue (pair-f) Write down ideas to a piece of paper We Talk in pairs Select 3 best ideas and write to sticky notes Put on wall Us Pairs present 3 ideas No critizising allowed! Grouping Me Write down ideas to a piece of paper We Talk in pairs Select 3 best ideas and write to sticky notes Put on wall Us Pairs present 3 ideas No critizising allowed! Grouping
Trying another method: Idealogue 4. Select best ideas In the last group of three Write down 4 best ideas 5. Put ideas to the wall No presentations Ideas are already familiar 6. Evaluation Discuss ideas with all Evaluate, develop ideas 0. Present topic: How could we improve international collaboration? 1. Individual Write down ideas to a piece of paper 2. Groups of three Tell your ideas Steal best ideas from others 3. New groups of three Tell and steal again
References Next lecture readings Carlile, P. (2004) Transferring, Translating, and Transforming: An Integrative Framework for Managing Knowledge Across Boundaries. Organization Science, 15(5), p. 555–568. Gherardi, S. (2009) Knowing and learning in practice-based studies: an introduction. The Learning Organization, Vol. 16, Issue 5 pp. 352 – 359 Berger & Luckmann (1966) The Social Construction of Reality Hogan Chapter 6 (Difficult situations)
F-Course schedule 2016-2017 PDP Meetings Tools Assign- ments Week 371 14.9. 16-20 Introduction lecture 21.9. 16-20 Lecture II 28.9. 16-20 Speed dating with sponsors 5.10. 16-20 Lecture III Set up of teams 12.10. 16-20 Lecture IV with sponsors PD6 Co-creation with companies CPM I During team meetings 2.11. 16-20 Final lecture 13.11. (Sunday) Design Overview DL 30.11. Mystery Eve 4.12. (Sun) Project Plan DL CPM III With the Sponsors, share achievements and plan for spring 11.1. 16-17 Halfway Show Meet team Meet team Work with team -> Meetings 15.9. 9-12 L 1 Introduction 22.9. 9-12 L 2 Basic facilitation tools 29.9. 9-12 L 3 Transformative dialogue 6.10. 9-12 L 4 Difficult situations 13.10. 9-12 L 5 Stimulated learning Peer meeting Peer meeting Peer meeting Peer meeting 15.12. Final essay DL Peer meeting 12.1. Presentations Tools Idealogue Questioning, debriefing, visualizing, future recall Negotiation Dynamic facilitation Appreciative inquiry Emotional tools Planning interventions Video practicalities Intervention: E.g. Divergence/convergence Intervention: E.g. Idealogue Intervention: E.g. Stimulated learning Assign- ments Pre-lecture assignment Pre-lecture assignment Pre-lecture assignment Pre-lecture assignment Video data collection, field notes Video data collection, field notes Video data collection, field notes Video data collection, field notes Video data collection, field notes Video data collection, field notes Video data collection, field notes Video data collection, field notes Essay writing Essay writing Essay writing