Opener: How many diagonals does each polygon have


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Presentation transcript:

Opener: How many diagonals does each polygon have Opener: How many diagonals does each polygon have? (draw a picture if it will help you) 1.) Square 2.) Octagon 3.) Hexagon 4.) Circle

Unit 6: Geometry Objective: Students will compare and classify triangles by sides and angles

Objective: Students will compare and classify triangles by sides and angles Vocabulary: Equilateral triangle: 3 sides of the same length

Isosceles triangle: 2 sides of the same length. Objective: Students will compare and classify triangles by sides and angles Isosceles triangle: 2 sides of the same length.

Scalene triangle: three sides of different lengths. Objective: Students will compare and classify triangles by sides and angles Scalene triangle: three sides of different lengths.

Objective: Students will compare and classify triangles by sides and angles Classify the triangle by its sides: 6cm 6cm 8 in 5 in 6cm 5 in 7in 6in 5in

Objective: Students will compare and classify triangles by sides and angles Classify the triangles by its sides: 1.) 12in, 3in, 3in 2.) 9cm, 9cm, 9cm 3.) 14m, 7m, 14m 4.) 3in, 6in, 7in

Objective: Students will compare and classify triangles by sides and angles Vocabulary: Acute triangle: has three acute angles

Right triangle: has one right angle Objective: Students will compare and classify triangles by sides and angles Right triangle: has one right angle

Obtuse triangle: has one obtuse angle Objective: Students will compare and classify triangles by sides and angles Obtuse triangle: has one obtuse angle

Equiangular triangle: all three angles are equal Objective: Students will compare and classify triangles by sides and angles Equiangular triangle: all three angles are equal

Objective: Students will compare and classify triangles by sides and angles Classify the triangle by its angles: 60° 60° 60° 100° 45° 35°

Objective: Students will compare and classify triangles by sides and angles Classify the triangles by its angles: 1.) 45°, 45°, 90° 2.) 136°, 24°, 20° 3.) 75°, 50°, 55° 4.) 45°, 76°, 59°

The sum of the angle measures of a triangle is 180°. Objective: Students will compare and classify triangles by sides and angles Sum of Angle Measures of a Triangle The sum of the angle measures of a triangle is 180°. A B C

Objective: Students will compare and classify triangles by sides and angles Tell whether the angle measures are those of a triangle. If so, classify the triangle as acute, right, obtuse or equiangular. 1.) 90°, 35°, 56° 2.) 75°, 60°, 45° 3.) 120°, 23°, 37° 4.) 100°, 25°, 35°

Objective: Students will compare and classify triangles by sides and angles Find the value of x. Remember that all triangles add up to 180° 1.) 2.) 50° 70 ° 65° x X X 3.) 40 ° 65 °

Objective: Students will compare and classify triangles by sides and angles Word Problem: The end of a roof is in the shape of an isosceles triangle. The measure of an angle at the peak, between the two equal sides, is 120°. The other two angle measures are equal. What is their measure?

Homework: Workbook page 131-132 problems 1-17