Proposal Process for CAAT Funding Applicant signs & returns fully executed Contract to CAAT Applicant submits Proposal* to CAAT CAAT creates Purchase Requisition CAAT reviews Proposal & makes Decision Purchase Req is approved by CAAT Dir., MCC EAT Dean & Purch. Dir. CAAT approves Proposal; notifies Applicant CAAT discusses adjustments & suggested revisions with Applicant MCC Purchasing issues Purchase Order to Applicant/Vendor CAAT does not approve Proposal; Applicant notified Applicant: Performs to contract & Invoices CAAT according to contracted delivery/payment timing with Progress Report CAAT prepares contract for approval by MCC Legal Counsel & VP Business Upon receipt of deliverables, invoice and progress report, CAAT approves payments MCC Legal Counsel approves & VP Business signs Contract; CAAT emails to Applicant for signature MCC Accounts Payable issues payments *Proposal Template provided by CAAT