Leinster GAA Cross Border Games
Reasons for cross county Increase number of games Longer playing year Disparity in results Increase in participation at younger ages since introduction of Go Games Smaller number of hurling teams so not as much variety in games Variety in opposition teams Success of Cross County pilot programs in 2016 Would like this to be accompanied by child Gaa player and Adult Gaa player
How will Cross County work: Leinster GAA: U13 & u15 Football 5 group games & final Saturdays – 28th Jan, 4th 11th 25th Feb, 11th 25th March Leinster GAA: U13 & u15 Hurling 3 group games & Final Saturdays – 18th Feb, 4th 18th 26th (Sunday) March Leinster GAA: U16 Football Optional Leagues Football: Sat 11th, 18th & 25th Feb, 11th March Leinster GAA: U-16 Hurling Optional Leagues 3 group games – Sat 4th, 11th, 18th, 25th March Optional competition for teams who wish to enter u15 & u16
How will Cross County work: - Keep furthest distance travelled below 1 hour max - Minimum number of teams from same county in same group - Guarantee 2 home games in football - Guarantee 1 home game in hurling
Sample Football Leagues Division Division Division CLUB COUNTY Kilcock KE Dunboyne MH Dunshaughlin Dreadnots LH Mattock Rangers Maynooth CLUB COUNTY Na Fianna OY Rhode Carbury KE Ballyna Coralstown/Kinnegad WH Longford Slashers LD CLUB COUNTY Athy KE Portlaoise LS Eire Óg CW Baltinglass WW Ferns WX St Laurances
Sample Hurling Leagues Division Division Division CLUB COUNTY Clane KE Trim MH Na Fianna OY Raharney WH CLUB COUNTY Rathangan KE Gracefield OY Mountmellick LS Setanta CW CLUB COUNTY HWH Bunclody WX Fenians KK Carlow Town HC CW Michael Dwyers WW
Closing Date: Clubs entered by Dec 9th https://crokepark- my.sharepoint.com/personal/james_devane_leinster_gaa_ie/_layouts/15/guestaccess.aspx?guestaccesstoken=gahDh%2fnvrsK%2f3nLk3aO 5NW%2b5H%2bWZEK%2b4LwH1wfmHLiA%3d&docid=1_1dfb8d34f493040288d11b5b5653ae5e6&wdFormId=%7BBBEA5E99%2D1787%2D 4B81%2D8DF2%2D84DDEACC50F7%7D Link will be forwarded to all clubs via Club Database and County Staff