Imam Tirmidhi 31/12/15
Name • The Imam , the Hafiz Abu Isa Muhammed ibn Isa ibn Surah ibn Musa ibn al Dhhanik as Sulami. • Born in the village of Bugha, which is 6miles from Tirmidh, which itself is located in the border regions of Afghanistan and Uzbekistan. • He was born in 205H and passed away in 279H on the 17th of Rajab. • Imam Tirmidhi went blind towards the end of his life, Dhaahabi records that this was out of excessive crying due to the fear of Allah his age and his long years of study.
Teachers He travelled widely travelling to Iraq the HIjaz and Khurasan. Dhaahabi records in his Siyar that he did not travel to Shaam or Egypt. His teachers include • Imam Bukhari, • Qutaybah ibn Saeed • Abu Dawood • Muslim. Some of his most famous students include Abu Hamid al Marwazi and Ahmad ibn Yusuf al Nasafi.
His Kunyah His Kunya- Abu Esa. There does seem to be some discussion about the kunya of Imam Tirmidhi , this can be summarised as follows. Imam Ibn Abi Shaybah has a chapter in his Musanaaf, in which he records a hadith from Musa ibn Ali from his father that a man has a Kunya Abu Esa, the Messenger of Allah said Isa had no father. A similar narration is recorded by Umar. Both narrations are reported by Fadl ibn Dukaya. Thus imam Abu Shaybah tries to prove the point that such a kunyah is disliked. However, Abu Dawood in his sunan records a hadith in the book of adab, that Mughirah ibn Shuybah mentions explicitly that the messenger of Allah had specifically given him the Kunya of Abu Esa.
The Jami The Jami His major hadith work has been classed as a sunan, due to the arrangement of the book along the lines of the chapters of fiqh, however it has also been classed as a Jami as it contains the relevant chapters that Shah Abdul Aziz mentions that a Jami contains. However there are differences to the actual name of the book, Ar’naut records in his introduction to the Jami five opinions prevalent opinions with regards to the name of the book.
1. Jami Kabir – ibn Athir held this opinion 3. Sunan – ibn Kathir held this opinion. 4. Jami Saheeh – Imam Haakim held this opinion 5. As Saheeh- an opinion held by Khatib Baghdadi. Imam tirmidhi refers to his own work as: Musnad Saheeh In the Firhist of Ishibilii the name of the work is recorded as: Al Jami Muktasar min sunan wa marifah saheeh wa malool wa ma alahe al amal
Merits of the work Presents the opinions of schools of jurisprudence that did not survive, such as the school of Awzai and Thauri. • No repitions of hadith in the work • Mentions the options of the four mainstream schools of jurisprudence • Indicates the technical status and grading of the hadith. • Gives information with regards to the narrators of hadith and specific points about rijaal.
Objective of the Work • Explain the Madhaahib and their proofs • Give the reader an insight into the rijaal and analysis of the hadith Distinuishing Features • Mentions the most saheeh narration in the chapter and then mentions other hadith related to the chapter heading and other companions who narrate similar hadith • At times shortens lengthy hadith • Differientiates between names that are similar
The Book The book itself has 151 books and 1985 chapters, the famous transmissions of it are: • Mahbubi • Abu Hamid Marwazi • Abu Dharr • Qattan