Conquer Your Fears of Public Speaking Julie Murphy – Public Relations Manual – Project 1
Do You Exhibit These Systems? Actors, actresses and musicians finding shows and concerts extremely difficult Businesspeople having a fear of making presentations The fear of making speeches at weddings The fear in anticipation of a public speaking event The avoidance of situations that might include public speaking Pilots and cabin crew feeling intensely uncomfortable having to make announcements to passengers during a flight Stuttering or stammering in public speaking situations Do You Exhibit These Systems?
You May Summer from Glossophobia As many as 75% people have glossophobia. Glossophobia is the fear of public speaking. Statistically, far more of us claim that we would prefer death to giving a speech; Even comedian Jerry Seinfeld used to joke that at a funeral, most people would rather be lying in the casket than delivering the eulogy. You May Summer from Glossophobia
First Steps to Overcome Fear Nobody can achieve perfection. Aim to be clear, concise, and loud enough for everyone to hear – just smile Discuss topics you are passionate or knowledgeable about Thoroughly research your topic and aim to memorize your speech ahead of time. Get comfortable with your topic. Exercise on the day of the speech Helps your brain deal with the stress more productively. Create a Dialogue with your audience. It helps when you feel like you're talking to someone, not just announcing words aloud. First Steps to Overcome Fear
Online Resources
Develop Your Skills Enroll in College Courses and Irvine Valley College Upon completion of the communication studies program, students will be able to Advocate a specific topic to an audience of any size. Critically assess other speakers’ format, content, and delivery and articulate constructive criticism in an oral critique. Articulate and dissect models of communication and apply such methods in public speaking and interpersonal settings. Research and construct positions on a set topic to communicate and advocate a particular point of view. Critically think about how meaning is exchanged and the implications of our messages.
Find a Supportive Environment Join a local Toastmasters Club Toastmasters was developed to Empower individuals to become more effective communicators and leaders. Toastmasters clubs are a safe environment to practice your craft Toastmasters aims to provide a supportive and positive learning experience in which members are empowered to develop communication and leadership skills, resulting in greater self-confidence and personal growth. Find a Supportive Environment
Medical Assistance Extreme cases can be cured through: Certain drugs such as beta blockers may be used to help people relax before speaking in public. Complementary therapies such as hypnosis, meditation or psychotherapy can be quite beneficial in helping your fears. Medical Assistance