Life in Tudor England 1485 – 1603. What was life like for English people in Tudor times? Pages 46 - 59
Who’s who in Tudor Society Pages 46-47 Royal family and aristocracy Gentlemen Yeomen Citizens Labourers Paupers
Tudor houses BBC Constructing a Tudor house 2.36 mins BBC Tudor timber framed houses 2 mins
Hardwick Hall. Derbyshire.
Moreton Hall, Cheshire.
Town house. Southampton.
Farmhouse. Sussex.
Labourer’s cottage.
Who’s who? Pages 46-49 Class Which home did he live in? (A-D) Which description matches him? (1-4) Which picture matches him?
Tudor Schools BBC Tudor Schools 1.38 mins
What were Tudor schools like? Quill = Birch = Hornbook = Which children did not go to school? Subjects studied included ... You could be beaten for ...
How did people have fun in Tudor England? BBC Tudor travelling theatre 2 mins BBC Shakespeare and the Globe BBC Street entertainers 2 mins Tudor sport 2 mins
Tudor Fair.
How did people have fun in Tudor England? Strolling players Shin hacks Blood sports Football Cudgels Public executions
Tudor fashion BBC Tudor clothes 2.2 mins
Fashion victims.
Tudor Food BBC Tudor vegetables 2 mins BBC Tudor kitchen 2 mins BBC Farming in Tudor times 1.38 mins BBC Childrens work on the farm 1.38 mins BBC Tudor Banquet 4 mins BBC Food preservation 1 min Tudor diet plan 1.30 mins
Tudor food.
Tudor meals. Peasants. 7 a.m. Breakfast. Bread & ale. 11 a.m. Lunch. Bread, cheese & ale. 6 p.m. Supper. Stew (pottage) made with vegetables such as turnip, cabbage, parsnip, onions, carrots & peas. Sometimes there was a bit of meat like rabbit, chicken, fish or bacon.
Tudor meals. Well off people. 7 a.m. Breakfast. Bread & ale. Meat or fish 12 o’clock. Lunch. Bread, cheese & ale. PLUS meat courses such as beef, mutton, venison, pork, fish, roast pigeon, seagull, lobster or peacock 6 p.m. Supper. Similar to lunch
Page 59. Draw a Tudor dining table showing food, plates, jugs, cups and knives. Label the food . Colour it.