UN Environment Towards sustainable development in Latin America and the Caribbean: UN Environment´s contribution Leo Heileman UN Environment Regional Director and Representative
UN Environment´s work in the region Regional Director and Representative Subregional and Country Offices Deputy Regional Director Administrative Unit Communication Unit Climate Change Ecosystem Management GEF Task Team Environmental Governance Regional Development Coordination Disasters and Conflicts Resource Efficiency Ozone Unit Chemicals and Waste Environment under Review
UN Environment in the region HAITI JAMAICA Subregional Office Caribbean Regional Seas Programme - Wider Caribbean MEXICO Country office PANAMA Regional Office GUYANA COLOMBIA BRAZIL Country office URUGUAY Subregional Office Southern Cone
A time for convergence and joint action in Latin America and the Caribbean ACTIVITIES Products and services: Assessments, methodologies, guidelines Data and information systems Indicators Standards, legislation Strengthening science-policy interface and governance for decision-making National and subnational governments UN System (considering SOPs) Secretariats of subregional bodies Stakeholders, including academia, NGO, parliamentarians, judges, media and private sector Strengthening partnerships and public participation Foundations Private sector Development banks and financial sector Bilateral funding and donors’ regional mechanisms Diversified mobilisation and leverage of resources and investments FRAMEWORKS 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and the SDGs ILAC, regional and subregional agendas Samoa Pathway & MEAs UNEP MTS and PoW WHAT WITH WHOM HOW 6
Regional partners 7
Budget per subprogramme and per region 332 million dollars 170 million dollars 51% GEF 62% managed by ROLAC
UN Environment´s Growth in LAC * 2017: First semester Partnerships signed Comms & Visibility During the first semester of 2017: The organization was mentioned more than 7.800 times in Spanish, English, and Portuguese media outlets 800.000 people shared UN Environment content during the World Environment Day Social media: 204.903 followers on Facebook