Vocabulary Workshop Unit 7
BELL “war” Bellicose: adjective Antebellum: adjective Warlike in nature The bellicose Viet Cong hid in the bushes to fight the U.S. soldiers. Antebellum: adjective Occurring before a war In the antebellum years, the country had a thriving economy.
Belligerence: noun Warlike mood or attitude Due to the belligerence of the rugby team, the referee called many penalties against them.
AMOR “love” AMICUS “friend” Enamored: adjective Fond of; feeling love towards Abigail Williams is enamored with John Proctor. Amiable: adjective Good-natured; cheerful Mr. Trenery’s amiable nature makes him a favorite teacher among students.
Amicable: adjective Not bitter or hostile; friendly It appears that Kanye West and Taylor Swift now have an amicable relationship.
AGON “contest, struggle” Antagonize: verb To act hostile towards; provoke If you are at a zoo, you should not antagonize the animals because they may attack you. Protagonist: noun The central character in the work of literature Make a list of every central character or protagonist, in the books you have read.
Antagonist: noun One who is hostile; one who opposes Skarr in The Lion King is a popular example of an antagonist.
PHIL “love” Philosophical: adjective Philanthropy: noun Calm and wise; reasonable Mr. Cilento had a philosophical discussion on the importance of junior year in high school. Philanthropy: noun Charitable donation to public causes During the holiday season, it is important to practice philanthropy to those less fortunate.
Bibliophile: noun One who loves books You may think she is a nerd, but Ms. Ryan has always been and always will be a bibliophile.