Substance Abuse Tara, Crane, Dalton, Jessica, Elizabeth Today we are going to talk to you about your substance use and how group therapy can help!
Assessments Drinking Problem Index Addiction Severity Assess drinking severity Addiction Severity Bigger picture Alcohol Use Disorder ID Test Assumptions, behaviors, and problems To start off with patients, we usually give you one or more questionnaire to determine the extent of your alcohol or substance use. The Drinking problem index is one of those assessments to provide an understanding of your use; focusing on the adverse consequences and risks of your drinking. The addiction severity gathers the bigger picture of substance use and can be done in self-report or interview. The alcohol use disorder ID test assess alcohol assumption, drinking behaviors and alcohol related problems. 2
Treatment Overview Levels of Treatment: Early intervention Outpatient treatment Intensive outpatient/partial hospitalization Residential/Inpatient Medically managed intensive inpatient There are many levels of treatment ranging from prevention to intensive inpatient care. We will use your self-reports along with our interviews to determine which level or stage of treatment is most appropriate for you. 3
Treatment Overview Models of group treatment Psychoeducational Skills development Cognitive-Behavioral Support Process How do you know which group is right for your patient? There are different types of groups that have proven effective to those who have substance related problems. You and your therapist will talk through which one is most appropriate for you. The best group for you depends on your individual needs, personal circumstances, and support system. 4
Treatment Overview Typical Group 8-15 members Meeting once or twice weekly Led by 1 or 2 trained professionals Participants ALWAYS screened Participants may be voluntary or involuntary A typical group session will consists of 8 to 15 members, some of whom are required to attend. Meetings are usually once or twice a week for at least 90 minutes. Participants in the group will have taken the same preliminary tests to establish what level of treatment they need. Though you may have a variety of patients in your group we will have done interviews prior to the groups beginning to help ensure it will be a productive and functioning environment. 5
Early Stage of Treatment Treatment will focus on Willingness to change Identifying Triggers Cost/benefits of using Relapse prevention In the early stages of treatment, we will focus on each persons desire to change, why some are ready to change and other’s are not? The group may discover how those who are ready to change, got there? The members of the group can begin to identify stressors in their life that may contribute to use. Members will also begin to identify and list the pros and cons of using. And learn ways in which to avoid relapse but also learning that relapse is common and does not equal failure. 6
Middle Stage of Treatment Coping Problem Solving In the middle stages of treatment the group will learn to acquire skills such as learning to identify stressors, learning to cope with urges, and how to utilize any assets they have in order to maintain sobriety. 7
Unique Characteristics Do not want active users in the group Every Substance effects people differently Not age specific May be necessary to provide family members of addict with treatment or extra support In group it is important to account for individual characteristics. We want to refrain from having active users in the group as it can be potentially harmful to the overall progress. Every substance can effect people differently and no two members of your group may use the same substance and can have very different issues. Substance use is not specific to an individuals age. Members of all ages may be a part of the group and may have experienced substance abuse for short or long lasting terms. During treatment it may be helpful or necessary to involve your family and friends in order to better maintain sobriety. 8
What next? First group meeting will be in room 103 next Wednesday at 5 Remember: Be on time No active using We will discuss more on group rules and expectations 9