The Graphic PipeLine
Four Stages Vertex Processing Vertex → Primitives Transformations Rasterization Primitives → Fragments Fragment Processing Texture + Lighting Output Merging Hidden Surface Removal + Blending
1 – Vertex Processing
What’s a vertex ? Position: (x, y, z) Color: (r, g, b, a) Vertex normal: lighting Texture Vertex
What’s a primitive ? Points Line Segments Lines, Line Strip, Line Loop Closed Polygons Triangles, Triangle Strip, Triangle Fan Quads, Quad Strips
Transformed Geometry
What is Model Transform ?
What is View Transform ?
What is Projection Transform ?
What is Viewport Transformation ?
2 - Rasterization
What’s a fragment ? 2D pixels AND Color Vertex Normal Texture Vertex
3 – Fragment Processing
Textures Wrapping Repeat Filtering Minify or Magnify to match resolution
Lighting: Phong Model Diffuse Specular Ambient Emissive
Diffusion & Reflection
4 – Output Merging
Hidden Surface Removal Z - buffering
Alpha Blending
Blending Modes