Vilnius, Lithuania
Price €140,- Including: Transfer from Leuven to Charleroi and vice versa Plain ticket with luggage (one cabin bag weighing up to 10 kg with maximum dimensions of 55cm x 40cm x 20cm, plus 1 small bag up to 35 x 20 x 20) Transfer from Vilnius to hostel and vice versa Hostel for 3 nights with breakfast (Friday, Saturday, Sunday
Who? 45 people Initially only NFK members (all philosophy students) Later on also other people, if the trip is not yet fully booked (deadline will come later) Waiting list
Transport Thursday the 16th of March Bus Transfer from Leuven to Charleroi; 17.45u/5.45pm (exact location of departure will be announced later) Plane check in: 19u/7pm Departure airplane Charleroi: 21u/9pm Arrival in Vilnius: 22.45u/10.45pm Sunday the 19th of March Departure airplane: 21.10u/9.10pm Arrival Charleroi: 22.45u/10.45pm Bus Transfer from Leuven to Charleroi; 23.30u/11.30pm Arrival Leuven: 00.15u/12.15am
Hostel Downtown Forest Hostel Paupio st 31A, Vilnius LT-11341, Lithuania Free WiFi Free coffee and tea (in the morning)
Schedule Friday the 17th of March Lecture (obligatory!) Tour & national museum (free) Evening: Ballet/Opera “the merry widow” (€10) Saturday the 18th of March Morning: Option 1) KGB Museum (€1) Option 2) Palais of the Grand Dukes of Lithuania & Cathedral/Belltower (€2,5) Afternoon: Option 1) Free Option 2) Bus to Grutas Park (€26) * This schedule is the one we offer you, but you’re free to do anything else, Only the lecture is obligatory!
Schedule Sunday Option 1) Alternative tour (€10) (street art, abandoned places) Option 2) Free * This schedule is the one we offer you, but you’re free to do anything else, Only the lecture is obligatory!
Tour St. Anna’s Church University Library Gate of Dawn
Café’s, Restaurants, Going-out.. Local Beer: €2
Disco Buddha! Cat Café
Musea Illusion Museum Amber Museum
Parks Bernardine Gardens
Practical Don’ t forget to bring you passport or ID (for European citizens) with you! In Lithuania they also pay in Euros!
Subscription and Payment Starting next Monday (19/12) at 9u/am Transfer €140 To the bank account of NFK VZW: BE90 973007236032 and mention your name & NFK Trip Vilnius Send a copy of your ID/Passport to Deadline subscription: 23th of January (Monday) Deadline Payment: 1th of February (Wednesday)
Optional activities These activities are optional and require extra payment Friday - Opera/Ballet, “the merry widow” €10 Saturday - KGB Museum €1 OR - Palace of Grand Dukes of Lithuania and Cathedral Belltower Vilnius €2,5 - Trip to Grutas Park €26 (transport costs) Sunday - Alternative Tour (Street art, abandoned places,..) €10