Essential Question? Which is the most powerful part of the Executive Branch bureaucracy?
How many people are employed by the Executive Branch? Almost 2 Million The Judicial and Legislative branches combined employ about 60,000 There is one president and 535 members of Congress yet the Executive Branch employs all of these people. What does this tell us about the role of the President and the function of the Executive Branch?
How are all of these employees structured and organized. 1 How are all of these employees structured and organized? 1. White House Office 2. Executive Office of the President (EOP) 3. The Cabinet
Pyramid Structure Staff reports through a hierarchy (including cabinet secretaries) with the Chief of Staff at the top Chief of Staff deals directly with the President Pros and Cons of this structure?
Circular Structure Several staffers report directly to the President Cabinet secretaries, advisors, agency directors, etc. Pros and Cons of this structure?
Ad hoc structure Several subordinates report directly to the President Doesn’t have to be cabinet secretaries, agency directors etc. Could be task forces, informal groups of friends, committees, etc. Pros and Cons?
White House Office President’s closest assistant (number varies) Offices located in White House Not confirmed by the Senate Advise, counsel, and assist the President in various ways Headed by chief of staff How much power do you think these White House staffers have?
Executive Office of the President Not actually located in the White House Large Bureaucracy Directors and top positions are appointed by the President Must be confirmed by the Senate *Director of National Intelligence *Council of Economic Advisers
How do the agencies within the Executive Office of the President help the U.S. Government function? How do they represent the responsibilities of the Executive Branch?
The Cabinet Cabinet Officers head 15 major federal departments Offices exist in D.C. and abroad What is the role of these Cabinet officers? Depends on the Department and the President State Dept. Foreign Service Sites State Dept. Civil Service Sites
Essential Question? Which is the most powerful part of the Executive Branch bureaucracy?