The RCM Supporting Support Workers Join us!
About the RCM We’re the only professional organisation and trade union dedicated to serving the maternity workplace. We have a growing membership of Support Workers in maternity We represent staff across the whole Maternity Team, individually and collectively – in all 4 UK countries We are the UK’s only trade union and professional organisation dedicated to staff in Maternity Services You can join us for just £8.99 per month (the price of one coffee per week)
The RCM Supporting Support Workers The RCM welcomes Support Workers including MSW’s, HCA’s, MA’s, MCA’s, Nursery Nurses, Community Support Worker’s or those in Clerical or Administration Roles in Maternity into membership and to get more involved in our organisation. Support Workers in Maternity are an integral part of the Maternity Team as well as our Union and Professional Organisation.
Workplace support, advice and represntation Five Good Reasons to Join RCM: Our Union and Professional Organisation supports and campaigns on issues relevant to our continually growing Support Worker Membership 2. Workplace and Employment Advice, Representation and Support 3. Professional advice on Banding and Roles & Responsibilities for Support Workers 4. We offer free Online Learning specific to your roles with RCM i-learn – including specific content for Support Workers in Maternity 5. Legal Advice and representation and our RCM Connect 24 hour helpline. Find out more at or call 0300 303 0444
Additional services, information and workplace support
RCM Workplace Branches Be part of your RCM workplace: We have 200+ branches – your local workplace group of RCM colleagues We organise activities and events We elect our local workplace representatives
RCM i-learn
RCM i-learn
using the all courses link on the i-learn front page All of the care certificate standards will be covered in i-learn modules by the end of 2017. These give a maternity perspective to each standard. There are also modules available on: Thermoregulation – keeping the baby at the right temperature The deteriorating post-partum mother There are currently 10 I learn courses specifically for MSWs however there are a lot of courses that can be done by both midwives and MSW’s. There are more msw courses in development. Most i-learn courses are suitable for Support Workers so do explore using the all courses link on the i-learn front page
RCM i-folio It is entirely your space It is private and personal to you Each portfolio will be different It is portable Showcase your work in a web page Links to i-learn It provides an online space for all your CPD evidence It has a CV builder and place to record reflection Over 16,400 RCM members are using i-folio Use it to record all your learning and to make notes as you study
Follow RCM and network with your colleagues @MidwivesRCM Follow us on facebook and join our “RCM Maternity Support Worker” members only group: Local Branch facebook pages
Coming to your Workplace this November MSW Month – November 2017 “The RCM – Supporting Support Workers” Aims - MSW Month sets out to encourage all RCM Branches, WPRs and members to work together to host local MSW focused events during the month of November. Celebrating the Support Worker Role - We want Support Workers in Maternity to be seen as an integral part of the Maternity Team as well as your Union and Professional Organisation. Find out more and be involved - dedicated web pages with the latest information and resources “The RCM – Supporting Support Workers” MSW Month (to be launched at this year’s RCM Conference at the end of October 2017) sets out to encourage all RCM Branches, their WPR’s and our members to work together to host local MSW focused events during the month of November. Celebrating the Support Worker Role… We want Support Workers in Maternity to be seen as an integral part of the Maternity Team as well as your Union and Professional Organisation. The RCM welcomes Support Workers including MSW’s, HCA’s, MA’s, Community Support Worker’s or those in Clerical or Administration Roles in Maternity into membership and to get more involved in our organisation This will be an opportunity for us to celebrate the role and encourage many more Support Workers to join us and be part of our growing RCM membership of Support Workers in Bands 1-4. Find out more and be involved We will be launching our dedicated web area soon which will support you with ideas, resources and guidance as well as updating you regularly via Activist briefings and Branch meetings as the month of activity develops. In the meantime do speak to your colleagues about any specific events, study days, tea parties or community events you would like to develop and speak to your RCM Branch about how everyone can work together to make our MSW Month of Celebration a success. This is our opportunity to focus our engagement with Support Workers in the Maternity workplace to reach out to the many that are not a member of the RCM. Many Support Workers will not be aware that we are the only Union and Professional Organisation with the expertise and knowledge necessary to support them in the Maternity setting, working towards developing their roles and improving their working lives. There will be a high profile communications and social media campaign and we’ll be asking our members to be active on social media by adding a “twibbon” to their profile picture and also to tell the world of Maternity (and beyond) that “I ♥ being a Support Worker in Maternity because……….” For more information please contact us on or speak to your National/Regional Officer or Organiser. MSW Month Coming to your Workplace this November
For further information Website: Telephone: 0300 303 0444 Email: @MidwivesRCM