An Investigation on the Cultural Contents in College English Textbooks


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Presentation transcript:

An Investigation on the Cultural Contents in College English Textbooks 关于大学英语教材文化内容的研究 云南中医学院 刘 燕 波

A Brief Introduction One Introduction Two Literature Review Three Research Methodology Four Findings and Discussions Five Conclusion

1.The Reasons Why I Chose the Topic and the Purpose of the Study 1)English as an International Language 2)Inter-cultural Communication (ICC) 3)The Requirements for College Eng. Curriculum 4)The Circumstances of the College Ss’ Culture Learning 5) Significance of the Study and the Research Questions

1) English as an International Language The Shrinking World The Need for an international Language Why English English has become an International Language. The basic function of English enables users in all countries to communicate their ideas and cultures with each other.

Home and abroad, indeed, many Chinese are finding themselves using English more frequently with other Asians than with people from the UK or the USA, especially at the GMS conference which was held in Kunming, Yunnan Province, China. Sometimes, Chinese start speaking English among themselves. Thus, how to include cultural contents (both Ch. & Eng. cultures) in the CEFC and how to meet the students’ cultural needs call for exploration.

2)Inter-cultural Communication (ICC) ICC started since the dim beginning of human civilization when the first tribes formed. ICC is the circumstance in which people from diverse cultural backgrounds interact with one another. Culture is the Core of ICC. Successful ICC depends on a good understanding of its cultures.

Culture strongly influences your behavior, values and world views: How you use language, nonverbal behavior and how you relate to others; Shape the relationship with family and friends; Provide with the perception of communicating in a variety of social situations.

Culture is both teacher and textbook Culture is both teacher and textbook. It teaches people how to dress, what to eat etc. different culture produces different ways of life. e.g. The Chinese put dogs in their ovens and the westerners on their couches and beds. Thanks to lang., influenced and shaped by culture, is the keystone of culture. So when Ss learn lang. they learn its culture. Lang. is the carrier of the Culture.

3)The Requirements for College English Curriculum Application Ability = Language Knowledge Learning Strategies Language Skill Character Building + Cross-Cultural Awareness The Eng. T Reform & College Eng. Curriculum Requirements demand students not only study language knowledge, but develop the four skills and ICC.

4)The Circumstances of College Students’ Culture Learning In Eng. class, Because Band-4 or 6 filled Grammar and test. In College Eng. Textbooks Few, Chinese Culture Most, Eng. Culture Result, cannot communicate with native culture effectively. So, investigating cultural contents in Eng. textbooks, aim of my study

5) Significance of the Study and the Research Questions Many scholars, studied ICC, but Few in University. Exploring the cultural contents in CEFC is inadequate. Attempting to fill the gap in the research literature. Focus on the Study: (1) Is there any imbalance of cultural contents in current English textbooks for college students in China? (2) If there is, what kind of English and Chinese cultural contents do college students need in their English textbooks in the Chinese environment?

2. Research Methodology A combination of quantitative research and qualitative research. 183 participants were from Junior of Kunming different colleges Three instruments: Questionnaires, Interviews and Checklists for CEFC & CCFC Data was conducted through SPSS.

3.Findings of the Study First of all, there are some imbalances of cultural contents in the current CEFC. Another findings is Chinese cultural contents are inadequate or limited in the CEFC and parts of them are not well suitable for college students’ needs. Finally, the CEFC should be included multi-cultural contents, especially the authentic parts of Chinese cultures.

Comparing CEFC (2000)to CCFC(2000) Textbook 1&2

Comparing CEFC (2003)to CCFC(2003) Textbook 1&2

4. Implications For English Learning Teaching In China, especially college Ss, should consider the way to prepare them to be both global and local speakers of Eng. and to feel at home in both international and national cultures (Kramsch and Sullivan, 1996). The Ts should master both Eng. culture and Chinese culture quite well, and it is worthwhile to consider teaching the “lang. of Globalization” in localized context rather than trying in vain to globalize the local Ss (Onder Otcu, 2001).

In ICC, the Chinese inevitably face the question of how to use Eng In ICC, the Chinese inevitably face the question of how to use Eng. to make Chinese culture understandable to the outside world. Organize discussions on the cultural traits of different regions and ethnic groups in China so that Ss can increase their cross-cultural awareness. Otherwise, encourage Ss to develop interpersonal contacts with native Eng. speakers; assign Ss to read short stories and plays and require them to note down significant details related to the target culture.

For the syllabus and the textbook design College Eng. is not a lang. course that provides basic knowledge about Eng., a capacity enhancement course that helps Ss. to broaden their horizons and learn about different cultures in the world. When designing the Syllabus and College Eng. Courses, therefore, it is necessary to take into full consideration the development of Ss’ cultural capacity and the teaching of knowledge about different cultures in the world.

5. Limitations and Recommendations for Future Research In the literature, the studies in China have focused on introductions to culture or theoretical discussions. My impetus for the investigating on the cultural contents in the CEFC has proved to be only an initial step in exploring what senior school students’ needs for the cultural contents in Yunnan province, China. What is college students’ needs for the cultural contents in the other provinces need further examination.

“There is only one curriculum, no matter what the method of education: what is basic and universal in human experience and practice, the underlying structure of the culture” (William Hazlitt). "Diamonds from the two countries can cut a jade better".

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