Department of Arts & Culture Portfolio Committee Briefing on social cohesion and nation building strategies 30/08/2016
Presentation Outline Context and conceptual framework Legislative and policy framework Scope of the work on social cohesion and nation building Outcome 14 Programme of Action (Strategies to promote social cohesion and nation building)
1. Context and conceptual framework The National Strategy for Developing an Inclusive and Cohesive South African Society was approved in 2012 The Strategy defines social cohesion as “the degree of social integration and inclusion in communities and society and the extent to which mutual solidarity finds expression among individuals and communities”. Nation building is “the process whereby a society of people with diverse origins, histories, languages, cultures and religions comes together within the boundaries of a sovereign state”. Nation building includes the following defining characteristics: a sovereign state with a unified constitutional and legal dispensation, a national public education system, an integrated national economy, as well as shared values and national symbols A nation building process entails a commitment to work together to eradicate the divisions and injustices of the past, to foster unity and to promote countrywide conscious sense of being proudly South African It cultivates a collective consciousness in terms of who we are as a people
2. Legislative and Policy Mandate The commitment to building a non-racial, non-sexist, free and democratic society is an integral part of the Preamble of the Constitution of the Republic of South Africa The National Development Plan (NDP) envisions a type of society in 2030 that would embrace its diversity rather than reify phenotypical human differences Such a society, as envisioned in the NDP will have a common set of values, an inclusive economy, increased interaction among the different racial groups The NDP also envisions a visibly strong leadership cadre across society buttressed by a mobilized, active and responsible citizenry The current policy and legislative mandate also emanate from consistent commitments to social cohesion and nation building by the governing party, particularly, the 2009 and 2014 election manifestos In the 2009 election manifesto, a reference is made to “building cohesive and sustainable communities …” That same expression is expounded in the 2014 manifesto thus “working with all sectors of society to create conditions for the promotion of social cohesion, and nation building and contribute to a better Africa and a just world …”
2. Legislative and Policy Mandate (cont.) While there is a common thread between the 2009 and 2014 manifesto, there is an interesting material qualification in the 2014 The material qualification is around the realization that social cohesion and nation building must necessarily involve mobilization of the different sectors of society – it is thus not a project that can be wholly owned by government Consistent with the commitments in its manifesto, the ANC-led government developed a Medium Term Strategic Framework (MTSF) 2014/2019, with very clear 14 strategic outcomes The Outcomes range from improving the quality of basic education (Outcome 1), a long and healthy life for all South Africans (Outcome 2) and a responsive, accountable, effective and efficient local government (Outcome 9) The fourteenth outcome of the current MTSF is “a diverse socially cohesive society with a common national identity”, i.e. social cohesion and nation building Historically, the outcome was paired with Outcome 12 in the previous MTSF i.e. “an efficient public administration system There was thus Outcome 12(a) and Outcome 12(b), with the latter accounting for progress on social cohesion and nation building Consequently, there was not much targeted focus on social cohesion
3. Scope of the work on social cohesion and nation building The 2014/2019 MTSF sets out the agenda for social cohesion and nation building The MTSF gives a practical effect to the preamble of the Constitution and the vision of the NDP MTSF also provides a framework within which to develop a Programme of Action for Outcome 14 was developed As part of the framework, 5 sub-outcomes provide the basic architecture of the MTSF fostering constitutional values equal opportunities, inclusion and redress promoting social cohesion across society through increased interaction across race and class promoting active citizenry and leadership fostering a social compact
4. Outcome 14 Programme of Action (Strategies to promote social cohesion and nation building) The current Program of Action (PoA) for Outcome 14 on social cohesion and nation building has a total of 42 performance indicators and 42 performance targets against which to gauge performance The PoA implicates 13 government departments and entities The DAC is the lead department in terms of coordination, support, monitoring and reporting Overall, most departments have routinely reported on their particular commitments as they pertain to the PoA. However, there are lingering questions about the efficacy and impact of some of the interventions in the PoA This aforementioned challenge then prompted Cabinet to initiate a formal review process in terms of the current PoA Before the review, the PoA had a total of 81 performance indicators and 98 performance targets. During the review, most of the interventions were deemed to be miniscule, insignificant and less impactful There is now confidence that the currently reviewed PoA has strategies and interventions that are strategic and impactful and could contribute to the realization of the type of society envisioned by the NDP in 2030
4. Outcome 14 Programme of Action (Strategies to promote social cohesion and nation building) (cont.) Sample of key strategies and programmes (per sub-outcome of the MTSF) Sub-Outcome 1: Fostering constitutional values 1) Preamble of the constitution of the Republic made accessible to learners and recited in school assemblies The Preamble of the Constitution has been widely distributed by Basic Education through its normal Learner and Teacher Support Material (LTSM) distribution channels The Preamble is also recited at major events on the co-curricular sphere organized for learners by the Dept of Basic Education However, it could not be ascertained that all schools do the recital at assembly as there exists no monitoring mechanism to test this 2) National symbols 80% of schools have the national flag installed and are flying the national flag Apart from the national flag, other national symbols including the coat of arms are part of the formal school curricular in specific learning areas
4. Outcome 14 Programme of Action (Strategies to promote social cohesion and nation building) (cont.) Sample of key strategies and programmes (per sub-outcome of the MTSF) Sub-Outcome 2: Equal opportunities, inclusion and redress Middle and senior management that approximate the demographics of the country The Employment Equity (EE) regime has made great strides in this regard However, the private sector trails far behind the public sector in terms of its own commitment to EE 2) Visible campaigns against xenophobia The Department of Justice has taken a lead in the rollout of these campaigns Commitment of other departments and state entities is required 3) Community Conversations 30 Community conversations were rolled out across the 9 provinces The conversations are a dialogic space to bridge socio-historical divisions The conversations are meant to assist government in assessing the efficacy of its programmatic offering and how some of government’s interventions can be improved
4. Outcome 14 Programme of Action (Strategies to promote social cohesion and nation building) (cont.) Sample of key strategies and programmes (per sub-outcome of the MTSF) Sub-Outcome 3: Promoting social cohesion across society through increased interaction across race and class The following strategies have recorded more progress in terms of the sub- outcome: 60 national federations met their transformation targets and were thus eligible for financial support by SRSA. The SRSA continues to support the national sports tournament for schools hosted in December in Gauteng. The Department of Arts and Culture hosted a number of arts and culture seasons in the previous financial year including Asia and Europe. The focus of the season strategy is now on the continent (Africa), while continuing with existing relationships.
4. Outcome 14 Programme of Action (Strategies to promote social cohesion and nation building) (cont.) Sample of key strategies and programmes (per sub-outcome of the MTSF) Sub-Outcome 4: Promoting active citizenry and leadership The following strategies have recorded more progress in terms of the sub- outcome: In the previous financial year, Brand South Africa published a survey (Pride Index) detailing the extent of national pride among South Africans. In the survey, South African national identity remains the primary identity that people identify with In terms of the national pride, there is also a growing percentage of pride among South Africans with their national sporting teams The IEC continues to develop and implement programmes that aim to improve participation in the national and local government elections