Every flag tells a story TELLING STORIES THROUGH FLAG DESIGNS 7th Grade Art Foundations
SCHEDULE Session 1 Introduce NEW CHALLENGE Learn about some interesting flag designs Begin planning worksheet/Brainstorm artwork Class Discussion/Reflection Clean up
CHALLENGE Create an artwork that represents a story about you, your family, or your heritage.
“Flags tell a story in a kind of code.” - Chicago Historical Society My flag tells the story my families journey to America. The white shape with 7 corners represents the 7 families that make up my blood. Shannon Palmieri Cooney Ohara Touey Burger Harrington The hand represents the Statue of Liberty which my Great-Grandfather Michelangelo Palmieri saw when he passed through Ellis Island in 1906 as a young boy.
Why the Stars and Stripes? Why Red, White, and Blue? White signifies purity and innocence, Red signifies hardiness & valor Blue signifies vigilance, perseverance & justice.” The stars symbolize the 50 states The 13 stripes symbolize the 13 original colonies of America "The star is a symbol of the heavens and the divine goal to which man has aspired from time immemorial; the stripe is symbolic of the rays of light emanating from the sun."
Belize Belize is the only country with PEOPLE FEATURED this prominently in the design of its flag. Overall the flag symbolizes the unity of the nation's people and their struggle to achieve independence. Belize became its own nation in 1981. Red, white, and blue were chosen as the main colors because it is a trio of colors that is frequently associated with freedom. Sitting in the middle of the flag is "The Coat of Arms," which consists of a ship (for trading) and tools (for labor). The two woodcutters beside the insignia reinforce the message, wielding an axe and an oar, respectively.
Brazil The Brazilian flag's stars represent the country's 26 states and its Federal District, but these stars are very different than those on the American flag. The stars represent the sky as they would have been positioned on November 15, 1889 at 8:30pm over Rio de Janeiro -- forever commemorating the moment when several well known constellations (such as the Southern Cross and Scorpio) could be seen. The stars are intentionally reversed from the way someone in Rio might see them, as the designers wanted the flag to represent the view of Rio from someone far away in space.)
South Africa The “V” form which flows into a horizontal band can be interpreted as the CONVERGENCE of diverse elements within South African society, taking the road ahead in UNITY.
SCHEDULE Session 2 Review Challenge Partner Share & Compare Painting techniques and color mixing demonstration Begin final design on large paper Clean up
SCHEDULE Session 2 Partner Share PPQ! (Praise, Perfect, Questions) Finish painting Flag Designs Clean up Artist Statement /Class Reflection