Ten Money Saving Tips For Teenagers
Get a Job By having a job you will have an income. The majority of the money you make should be put into the bank. A great time to work lots is during winter, spring and summer vacations.
Shop at Sales You spend a lot less than you normally would. You can shop in bulk. Only happens once in a while so you can save until then.
Use Your Student ID Card - You can use your student ID to get discounted prices at certain stores.
Create a Budget Set a certain amount of spending money per week. By doing this you won't overspend. - If you exceed your budget, cut one weeks of spending money and put it into your savings.
Keep Less Money in Your Wallet By doing this you will be less inclined to buy things and you won't have the money for it. Eventually, you will develop a habit of not wanting to buy things.
Have a Spending Log You can keep track of what you bought and how much you spent on it. You can use it to plan future purchases. It will help you identify opportunities to help you save more money.
Cut Your Expenses Buy not eating out or buying lunch at school you could save a ton of money that usually keeps on adding up As time goes on you can save more and more.
Use Change All the change that is lying around adds up. Get a change jar You can use it to buy stuff instead of using cash or card.
Save a Certain Amount of Money Each Day If you were to put aside $5 a day, you could have $150 in a month. Do this for large durations of time and you can save an extreme amount of money.
Sell Your Old Belongings Get rid of that old video games console or tv and get some quick cash. Sell the things you don’t use anymore Relieve yourself from those old, tight and small clothing.
Bibliography By Selena Maranjian, 2016, July 4th, Retrieved from http://www.fool.com/teens/teens02.htm By EVA, 2013, March 25th, Teens got Cents, Retrieved from http://teensgotcents.com/25-ways-i-save-money/ By SEVENTEEN MAGAZINE, 2014, January 15th, 12 Ways To Have More Money To Do Everything You Want This Year, Retrieved from http://www.seventeen.com/life/school/advice/a16415/money-making-tips-for-teens/