Spiritual Coaching Techniques for Career Development Purposeful Listening Spiritual Coaching Techniques for Career Development
Your presenter Gail Liebhaber, M.Ed. Career and Lifework Counselor Consultant to Career Counselors/Coaches 40 Cottage Street, Lexington, MA 02420 Phone: (781) 861-9949 Fax: (781) 863-5956 E-mail: gail@yourcareerdirection.com www.yourcareerdirection.com
An Invitation to Deepen Your Skills Purposeful Listening as an additional technique Clearing out and letting go Model becoming present and witnessing our clients, questions for you to ask your clients to help them in listening to themselves roles that inspire hope Tools to help your clients tell their story.
Poem on a bookmark “No one listens,” they tell me and so I listen and I tell them what they have just told me And I sit in silence listening to them letting them grieve “Julian, you are wise” They say, “You have been gifted with understanding” All I did was listen For I believe freely, surely, that G-d’s spirit is in us all Julian of Norwich, 14th C. English mystic (from book, Purposeful Listening)
The role of a career counselor Re-defining the “good-enough” career counselor Our need to be techno-savvy, problem solvers within tight time/budget constraints Old questions vs non- answers
Guiding clients to answer their own questions We do not have the answers, may have the questions However, we can be guides Silence, listening and accessing inner wisdom- needed by both client and counselor
Defining the essential ingredients Purpose: An understanding that accessing the authentic but perhaps hidden self will tap into spiritual energy and clarity Listening with an open mind, body and heart--without judgment, an agenda or possibly answers
Training the ear to hear the soul
Preparing to listen with purpose Providing a sacred space Getting present Listening with your heart Inviting the unknown into the session Trusting inner wisdom
Developing our presence Getting ready/clearing out Using the breath Short meditation Mantra Setting intention
Letting the Soul Express Itself Empty out expectations, shoulds and old rules Allow innermost yearnings to emerge Welcome the unknown
Create the environment for sacred space The power of the physical space Types of offices Creating trust on phone/in office safety comfort Intimacy professionalism
More can be found in the book Asking new questions Sample questions to inspire hope and purposeful change: What is my purpose in life? How would I like to leave my mark in the world? What talents do I have that I am not using? What am I yearning for in the future? More can be found in the book
Tuning into their whole being: A holistic approach Tuning into their whole being: Listen with your heart to their heart Where is tension in the body? Is their gut or intuition attempting to get their attention? Are things happening serendipitously? The chakra system
Supporting Growth Encourage the development of their own unique voice from their own truth Giving permission to not know Support the will Acknowledge the workings of the universe
7 Principles of Purpose-Centric Coach According to Richard Leider,author/consultant, our roles can be: 1.believing 2.serving 3.calling 4.dreaming 5.listening 6.declaring 7.doing
Tools for Purposeful Listening (From the book) These exercises are designed to inspire purposeful listening for you and your client. Feel free to use them for your practice. Questions for your career journal……………………………5-2 Spiritual Landmarks………………………………………….. 5-3 Developing a Mission Statement…………………………….5-4 Questions for Goal Setting……………………………………5-5
To order the book Purposeful Listening: Spiritual Coaching Techniques for Career Development Practitioners Cost: $10 plus $1.50 s&h send your check made payable to: Gail Liebhaber, 40 Cottage St., Lexington, MA 02420 Be sure to include your address
Gail Liebhaber, M.Ed. Career and Lifework Counselor Consultant to Career Counselors 40 Cottage Street, Lexington, MA 02420 Phone: (781) 861-9949 Fax: (781) 863-5956 E-mail: gail@yourcareerdirection.com www.yourcareerdirection.com