A Practical Example of Joined Up Working Suzanne Meylan, Independent Living Manager, One Vision Housing
Health and Housing WHY work in partnership? 155K CCG Population 12K One Vision Tenants Deprivation and Demographics Local Statistics The Kings Fund & National Housing Federation Five Year Forward View NHS Alliance National Picture Next Steps? Workshop: Starting & Developing Well (Multi agency single point access; hospital to home) Living and Working Well (Collaboration through co-design; adults with complex needs; psychologically informed environments) Ageing Well (Designing health into urban development; Dementia) (Largest Social Housing Provider in South Sefton and Southport and Formby) “To create a sustainable healthy community based on health needs, with partners;…..” “Promoting the well being of local communities” Local Strategy £3.357K Potential annual reduction in NHS usage if interventions made. Positive impact on people. (Source: Family Mosaic, Health begins at home, Feb 2016) Opportunities…… Integrated Services Services provided in local Community Improve Wellbeing Transformation: Community Centred Care Promotion of Self Care Treatment and Care in a Safe Environment
Phase 1: Preparatory Workshop An initial preparatory workshop with the named project team will focus on: a shared understanding of health issues in Sefton and how joint working can positively impact on issues including: social prescribing from GP surgery Hospital discharge scheme Intermediate care models Emergency admission avoidance scheme Addressing cold homes in the private sector Community development Achieving VFM and maximising the impact of the “Sefton Pound” Corporate Social Investment outcomes to be gained from joint working The utilisation of ‘big information’ approaches to identify the number and proportion of patients living in social housing in Sefton. Existing methods of communication with social housing tenants and how these can be used for health messaging. Develop a set of KPI’s to monitor the impact of any joint working initiatives focused on: Reduction in GP appointments Avoidance of hospital admissions Reduction in prescribing costs Re-admission avoidance Quality of life measures VFM gains Corporate Social Investment outcomes
Phase 2: Selection of Service Model Pilot to assess joint working benefits Following phase 1 the project team selected a specific project to be launched as a pilot to fully assess the benefits for both organisations to be derived from joint working. Why the pilot was selected, Why Millspring Court, How the pilot was planned, The practical aspects, What outcomes are we looking for?
Next Steps Phase 3: Pilot Assessment and Review Feedback to both CCG Governing Bodies & One Vison Board December 2016 Phase 4: Commissioning of new services and development of further pilots To be agreed with project team