March 23, 2015 39 Days to Demo Day Syllabus Oral 3 feedback- teams and attendance Demo Day Requirements/Prep Tee Shirts Final Report
ME 4973 Syllabus
Results: strong driver for grades ME 4972 (Fall) ME 4972 (Spring) Communication 40% 20% Written Reports Oral Presentations Professional Performance* Effort/Attendance Commitments Technical Performance* Techncial Performance* 30% Problem Solving Creativity Results Project Evaluation* Demo Day * includes faculty, instructors and sponsor feedback
Oral 3 Team Grades Team progress and relevant results presented
Oral 3 Grades Individual Grade – presentation skill and contribution
Presentation Assessments by Peers Ave 65% A, 30% B, 5% C
Peer Assessment – Last Slide 7. Peer Assessment - clicker Team is executing to plan (schedule Presented results look encouraging High probability they will meet the project objectives B. Team is having some problems in executing ,but They know the issues and have a plan to recover. Moderate probability they will meet project objectives. C. Team is having serious problems in executing. No plan to recover Low probability they will meet project objectives
Voting Attendance - Oral 3 Minimum of 10 expected 4 students had 0 votes
Preliminary Floor Plan 161 SOE Projects 45 ME Projects 8’ or 6’ tables Acc Masters Large/Common Projects
Planning for Demo Day 2 - 30”x40” poster boards Stands and Adhesive provided Your job- create and print the posters EII Lab – 15”x24” printer (work with Steve) Learning Center – 30” x 40” (all SOE) Clear the display/content with your sponsor Verify if you need movers with Tom
Good Example
Self Aligning Latch for Steel Rails Team 17: Arthur Calef Eze Onuma Matthew Williston Sponsor Advisors: Marty Hardesty Jerry Piech, PhD Tadeusz Witczak Faculty Advisor: Horea Ilies Problem Statement Design a system to position and align the rails of a rotary transfer station and fix them in proper alignment Construct proof-of-concept model of the device Toothed Magnetic Flux Concentrator Capable of producing both high alignment and braking forces Variable tangential force generation Allows for multiple stop positions Free of moving and contacting parts Simple to control and activate Working Principles Magnetic flux generated by an electromagnet is channeled through steel teeth around a simple circuit Tangential attractive forces are generated when upper and lower teeth are not perfectly aligned
Demo Day Planning/Post Planning Week of April 13 – pick up poster boards/2 per team/Eng. Office April 29 – Sponsor disposition on your hardware Pickup, scrap, save for next team April 30 – noon to 8:00 pm @ Gampel – setup Your responsibility Get projects there/unless arrangements made Computers/monitors May 1 – Demo Day 9:00 to 4:00 presentations 5:00 out of Gampel to Castleman May 8 – return all materials
Experiments status 3/9
“Scientists Dream About Doing Great Things Tee Shirts - Back “Scientists Dream About Doing Great Things A Engineers Do Them” J.Mitchner “A scientist studies what is An engineer studies what never was” A. Einstein B “Science can amuse and fascinate us all, but it is engineering that changes the world” Isaac Asimov C
Tee Shirts - Color
Final Report –Presents/documents your final work Concentrates on your final design/configuration Include significant analysis results Summarize your results in charts/graphs Include Conclusion/recommendations Appendices: Theory section CAD models/blue prints Multiple analyses Raw data Earlier models/configurations Main Body
Final Report Cover Page Executive Summary – update to reflect final results Table of Contents List of Figures/Nomenclature Project Statement The Sponsor Problem definition Deliverables Final Results – main body Summary/Conclusions/recommendations References Appendices
Main Body Results Results Comparisons Equations, charts and graphs Models, meshes Experiment setup Test matrices Analyzed data Comparisons Analysis to experimental data Your analysis to reference information
Cover Page Format Draft By April 6 One copy to me One copy to your advisor
Your Priorities for Senior Design 1. Execute your project Achieve results Meet the project objectives 2. Design and construct a great display –May 1 Don’t embarrass yourself, sponsor, department Be proud of your work 3. Complete the final report Document your work Provide a legacy for future teams
Remember Effort is necessary BUT You are judged on results