Having a Health Check Jackie Fleeman
Your Body We can’t see inside. Ask people to show fingers, head, arms, eyes, teeth, ears, legs. How do you know when you are not well – sick, pain, broken, bleeding, hot/ temperature, cry, feel bad etc. Use pictures. Now point to Heart, brain, bowel, intestines, kidneys, liver…..more difficult! Parts of your body can be ill without you seeing or knowing about it, and sometimes without you feeling it. What can help to keep you healthy? Health checks! Different kind of health checks name some Dr, Dentist, optician, audiologist, chiropody, etc. I’m going to tell you about having a health check at the Drs We can’t see inside.
A Health Check will help The Dr or Nurse will ask you questions. It would be a good idea to go with information about your health and your family’s- why? After your health check you might be asked to go to other health appointments.
Julian’s Story Julian lives in Ashbourne. Julian had a health check. This is what happened. Photo removed
Letter about health check Nurse came to Julian’s home Saw the nurse at the Doctors
weight height Blood pressure
Ears checked Blew into a tube Wee tested
No Thanks! Said Julian
After Julian’s Health Check Chiropodist. Dentist Optician Wax checks Hearing checks Blood test Keeps a health file
When we will look at this again My health need What I will do. Who will help me Health Action Plan. When we will look at this again
? Questions Who Has had a health check like Julian? Who with? Is it a good idea? Remember you won’t have a Paediatrician after you leave school. ? Next a film about having a Health Action Plan. Then Health Millionairre game.