Room 107| 2017-18
On Your Table Child’s Letter SeeSaw QR Code and Instructions PTO Form (Please fill out and return back)
Welcome to 1st Grade! If you have any questions during my presentation, please let me know. Notes from this presentation and other informational packets will be available on our classroom website.
Graduate of Penn State University (PDS) Ms. Guthoff Passion State College Alumni Graduate of Penn State University (PDS)
Meet the Teacher Mrs. Russell
Communication Communication is the key to a successful year. Please let me know any questions or concerns. Call the office and leave a message on my voice mail Write a note to send to school with your child
Science/Social Studies Morning Meeting Science/Social Studies Reading Workshop Writing Workshop Math *PE Lunch (Art, Library, Music) Math
Our Day Morning Work (Catch up work, reading, tablets) Morning Meeting (Greeting, Sharing, Activity and Schedule)
Science and Social Studies The Community Playground The Great Pizza Mystery Going Green in the Neighborhood
Individual and Group Time Reading Mini Lesson Stamina Individual and Group Time Snap Words Listening to Reading Partner Reading
Writing Workshop Mini Lesson Work Time (Small group and individual) Sharing Genres: Narrative, Informational, Persuasive and Narrative
Fluency (Every other week) Math Workshop Stations Games Math Thinking Fluency (Every other week) *We will work to create and explain our own math thinking in different ways
12:09-12:44 You are always welcome to join your child for lunch. Please let the office know by 9:00 AM if you would like to purchase a lunch.
Read, read, read! Optional reading logs (Starting in October) IXL (Log In) Snap Words (Every Monday) Family Journals (Friday & Monday) Star Of The Week (Monday)
Reading Logs
IXL, Book Source, Tumble Books, Epic, SeeSaw* Technology at MNE Tablets (Headphones) IXL, Book Source, Tumble Books, Epic, SeeSaw*
We Are Respectful We Are Responsible We Are Safe We Are Ready To Learn And BEAT YESTERDAY!
PAWS Tickets School Wide Rewards Reinforcing Positive Behaviors
Extras Birthday (Nut Free) 24 hours in advance, Summer Birthdays, 18 Students Lunch Money: Envelope Dismissal: Notes or Office Conferences (Sign Up Genius) Year of Independence (Tie Shoes, Zip Coats) Mystery Reader Classroom Dictionary and Website
Ear buds in a plastic bag labeled with your child’s name Snacks Tissues Disinfecting wipes Hand Sanitizer Thank you!
Before or After School: Before or After School: 272-6781 (Room 23) During School Hours 272-5970 (Office)
Questions, Comments or Concerns Thank you for coming! Questions, Comments or Concerns