WELCOME 1st Grade Families Feel free to sign up to be a classroom volunteer! Please sit at your child’s seat. Take a minute to look through the books your child will use this year! Begin looking through your child’s packet.
Val griffin Washington State University City University-Master in Teaching -Speak Spanish, love crafts, sports and teaching!
Daily Schedule CHAMPS 8:30 Writing Workshop Morning Routines Recess 1:20-1:40 Reading Workshop Read Aloud/Snack Social Studies Science Recess 10:35 Pack Up Lunch 10:55 Specialist 2:25-2:55 Math Dismissal 2:55 Math Centers Wednesdays
Reading Students will… Daily 4 Respond to reading daily (read, think, discuss) Teacher will… Guided reading groups (fiction and non-fiction) Phonics groups Reading Strategies Assess reading to monitor progress and growth
Reading Year at a glance Phonics: Early Literacy Concepts Phonological Awareness Phonemic Awareness Short vowels Long vowels Blending sounds High Frequency Words Spelling Patterns Word Meaning Word Structure Comprehension Skills: Retelling Sequencing Story Elements Vocabulary Making Connections Questioning Predicting Visualizing Finding Evidence Text Features Point of View Compare & Contrast
Math Everyday Mathematics Realistic approach to problem solving Practice through games Spiral curriculum Emphasis is on these content strands: -Number and numeration -Operations and Computation -Data and Chance -Measurement and reference frames -Geometry -Patterns, Functions, and Algebra Log-ins
Writing Narrative (small moments) Informative (non-fiction chapter books) Opinion (writing reviews) Narrative (fiction books) handout
Science Classifying Plants and Animals Sun, Moon, & Stars Magnets & Motion Habitats Inquiry, systems, and application skills are embedded in the science curriculum. (notebooking) National Geographic Science Companion
Health Being Safe: School, Home, Outside Allergies Eating healthy food Emotions: Knowing your feelings Healthy Teeth Heart, lungs Making friends Emergencies Making good decisions
Social studies Home and school rules - Rights and responsibilities (Citizenship) Families Near and Far Map and globe skills Families and Groups Meet Needs Exploring Where and Why
technology Computer Lab- Thursdays Materials & Equipment Basic operations and concepts Word processing & curriculum related software (Type to Learn) Technology ethics
Sunny Hills PTA Thanks to: Issaquah Schools Foundation
Thank you. Tell me and I forget. Teach me and I remember Thank you!! Tell me and I forget. Teach me and I remember. Involve me and I learn.