Intervention in Fertility Chapter 16
Causes of Infertility – refer to pg.117 Failure to ovulate Blockage of oviducts Failure of implantation Low sperm count Causative factors: - hormonal imbalance - stress - poor health, (cysts/tumours for oviducts) Treatments: - Fertility drugs - hormone supplements (surgery for oviducts) - IVF
Treatments - IVF IVF (In-Vitro fertilisation) Fertilisation outside the body 1) Multiple ovulation stimulated 2) Eggs removed 3) Eggs into a nutrient medium – sperm often injected 4) Ferrtilised eggs incubated in nutrient medium 5) 2 or 3 eggs removed & inserted into uterus 6) Remaining embryos frozen
Treatments – Artificial Insemination Semen into female NOT by sexual intercourse For males with low sperm count Semen collected over a period of time & frozen Eventually defrosted & released into female’s cervix
Contraception - Biological Intentional prevention of conception Calculation of fertile period: Approx 1 day after ovulation, body temp rises by 0.2-0.5oC Fertility period – approx 3-4 days Therefore 3-4 days after temp change = infertile Mucus viscosity changes in a similar pattern These are rhythm methods of contaception
Contraception – Biological Hormonal contraception: Oral contraceptives have synthetic progesterone (sometimes oestrogen) Taken for 3 wks from final day of menstruation Increases conc of both hormones FSH/LH inhibited – no follicle maturation / no ovulation Injections or implants also available
Contraception – other Surgical: vasectomy or oviduct cutting – often irreversible Physical barriers: condom, cap – physically prevent sperm reaching egg IUD (IntraUterine Device): make endometrium less suitable for egg plantation
Statistics (failures/100 women) Pill – combined (0.1-1) - progesterone only (0.3-5) Condom (2-15) Cap (approx 2) IUD (0.3-4) Surgical (0-0.2) Rhythm (up to 15+)