Objectives of the Training To ensure that there is efficiency and effectiveness in project delivery. This enables participants in the implementation process have the necessary skills, knowledge, tools and commitment to do work. To enhance the ability of the CPMC and other actors at that level i.e. facilitators, community leaders, project technical supervisor or service provider, to better manage the implementation of the project.
Overview of CDP Processes The CDP goes through the following steps, in a typical cycle: promotion and outreach identification of needs preparation of CDP desk appraisal of CDP review and recommendation for field appraisal Review & recommendation for approval
Processes contd…………. approval CPMC training Project launch Implementation: procurement, disbursement and technical support/supervision Monitoring Completion Post completion evaluation
Community Development Plans (CDP) The CDP is a comprehensive community plan for development activities within a community and contains a basket of micro-projects. The CDP is developed by the community through application and undergoes scrutiny by the LGRCs and the state agencies Once the SA approves a CDP, the micro projects would be implemented one after the other in accordance with approved plan. Unless the first micro project selected for implementation is successfully completed, grants shall not be released by the SA for the others.
CDP Guiding Principles The underlying principles and processes of the CDP are intended to ensure that funded activities reflect the communities identified priority needs, and that the communities take the lead in preparing and implementing these activities.
Approval The approval process involves examining project feasibility based on the appraisal report and determining whether recurrent financial provisions required are, or shall be available. Responsibility for the approval of a proposal rests with the management committee headed by the General Manager with the Manager in-charge of Operations, Finance & Administration, Monitoring & Evaluation as members.
Project Launch The launch marks the assumption of full accountability by the CPMC over the physical implementation of the project during which the first cheque of funding is presented and the Grant agreement signed between the SA and the CPMC. The occasion establishes specific roles and obligations of either party to the agreement and stipulates terms and conditions regarding, among others, banking, accounting, labour contracts, technical monitoring and supervision, procurement, community contribution and abrogation of agreement.
Project Implementation This is the process of undertaking activities by the communities according to shared responsibilities to facilitate the attainment of the content of agreement In the course of implementation, there should be clear separation of responsibilities (authorization, procurement, storage, etc) among the CPMC members. The SA releases the second and further tranches to the CDP account against certified stages of work. For the sake of accountability, Technical support and supervision of project activities will be provided routinely by the SA in collaboration with staff of the LGAs and relevant MDAs. CPMC shall be responsible for implementation, meaning that it is responsible for financial management, procurement and other implementation aspects of the projects, and is only supported by the SA, LGA and other relevant experts where the communities deem it necessary.
Project Implementation contd…….. The CPMC may contract any aspect of its responsibilities out to service provider, if such responsibilities are considered to be too technical. Such cases may first be discussed with SA, which in consultation with the LGC or LGRC may advise the CPMC on how to go about the problem i.e. whether there are other possible resolution outlets or whether contracting is feasible. The final decision is the responsibility of the CPMC. Progress payments will be made through cheques by the SA to CPMC in tranches (not more than three for any one micro project) with second and third tranche releases, based on physical progress and financial justification of previous tranche. Information gathered through the Progress Review Form shall be used in reaching such decision. The SA, jointly with relevant sector or LGRC/|LGDO will carry out periodic supervision missions to help facilitate the CPMC’s implementation, collect information and check progress.
Project Monitoring and Evaluation This is concerned with the monitoring and evaluation of individual projects funded by the SA. A system of monitoring and evaluation will be established by the SA which will involve the LGRC/LGDO, NGOs, MDAs and beneficiaries in routine feedback and reporting. Routine reporting would cover physical progress on works, adherence to procedures, and financial record keeping.
Project Completion After the completion of 1st micro project, project implementation, may commence again for the second micro project. These steps are repeated until the entire portfolio of micro projects in a CDP is successfully completed.
Conclusion Successful completion of a micro project is expected to be within one year after the formulation of the CDP This could only be possible with the understanding of procedures and the commitment of all stakeholders
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