The Rotary Foundation and Humanitarian Projects By: PDG. Wichai Maneewacharakiet RRFC Zone 6B, 2017-2018
Club Constitution Article 8 Meetings Section 1 — Regular Meetings. [See article 7 for exceptions to the provisions of this section.] (a) Day and Time. (b) Change of Meeting (c) Cancellation (d) Satellite Club Meeting (When Applicable).
Club Constitution Article 12 Attendance [See article 7 for exceptions to the provisions of this article.] Section 1 — General Provisions. Each member should attend this club’s regular meetings, or satellite club’s regular meetings if provided in the bylaws, and engage in this club’s service projects, other events and activities. A member shall be counted as attending a regular meeting if the member is present in person or using an online connection for at least 60 percent of the meeting including makes up for an absence or requirement of absence
Club Constitution Article 15 Duration of Membership Section 4 Termination Non-attendance. [See article 7 for exceptions to the provisions of this section.] (a) Attendance Percentages (b) Consecutive Absences.
COL on April 2016
Club Constitution Article 7 Exceptions to Provisions on Meetings and Attendance The bylaws may include rules or requirements not in accordance with article 8, section 1; article 12; and article 15, section 4, of this constitution. Such rules or requirements shall supersede the rules or requirements of these sections of this constitution; a club, however, must meet at least twice per month.
Club Meetings Ability to change meeting schedules. Clubs can now vary their meeting days and times, and can cancel meetings, as long as they meet at least twice a month. However, any club that wishes to adhere to the traditional requirements regarding meetings and cancellations may do so. (16-21) Cancelling a meeting. Clubs can cancel a meeting if it falls during a week that includes a holiday. (16-26)
In-person and online meeting participation In-person and online meeting participation. Clubs can have in-person meetings, online meetings, allow online participation for an in-person meeting, or switch between any of these formats. (16-30)
Attendance Ability to change rules. Clubs may relax or tighten attendance requirements and termination policies for non-attendance. However, clubs are still expected to forward attendance reports to the governor. Any club that wishes to continue adhering to the traditional attendance requirements may do so. (16-21)
Strategic Plan
Support and Strengthen Clubs – Membership Club Strategic Plan Support and Strengthen Clubs – Membership Humanitarian Service – Grants and Fundraising Public Image – Public Image Long term Goals Annual Goals
SUPPORTING THE ROTARY FOUNDATION PolioPlus Fund End Polio Now Rotarians support our Foundation through: The PolioPlus Fund, dedicated to global polio eradication The Annual Fund, primary source of funding for Foundation grants and activities The Endowment Fund, which supports the Foundation in perpetuity Annual Fund For Support Today Endowment Fund To Secure Tomorrow
FOUNDATION FUNDING 50% DDF 50% World Fund Spendable Earnings What is the SHARE system? Rotary Foundation grants and programs are funded by contributions from Rotarians and friends of Rotary. Donors may designate support for: The Annual Fund. There are many possible designations within the Annual Fund. For those who choose Annual Fund-SHARE, we want to explain how this can assist in district funding and how the process works. The Endowment Fund supports programs like the Rotary Peace Centers. The PolioPlus Fund Foundation Trustees determine how to direct the spendable earnings from the Endowment Fund. ASK: What are the benefits of making donations to the Annual Fund? ASK: How can you use Foundation grants to motivate Rotarians to donate to the Annual Fund? 50% DDF 50% World Fund
Change Live by Foundation
Peace and conflict prevention/resolution
Disease prevention and treatment
Water and sanitation
Maternal and child health
Basic education and literacy
Economic and community development
Change Live by Foundation
What is important in Rotary Projects ? Engagement Sustainability Continuing
Cooperating Organization Club Cooperating Organization Beneficiary
Start with the community Encourage local ownership Provide training Making a valuable and sustainable projects Start with the community Encourage local ownership Provide training Buy local Find local funding Measure your success
The meaning of U$ 100
Do good with us for next 100
Focus and increase humanitarian service Eradicate polio Increase sustainable service focused on programs and activities that support youth and young leaders and Rotary’s six areas of focus Increase collaboration and connection with other organizations Create significant projects both locally and internationally
IAN Riseley 2017-2018 President Rotary International