The research process – an illustration
Destruction of wetlands Possible Topics Destruction of wetlands Coastal erosion Dams Quality of water Water Dead zones Scarcity Silting
Water Scarcity – Developing World
The Problem Developing countries 10 liters/day vs. 570 in U.S. - Klaver “Water-related diseases cause 80 percent of all illnesses and death in the developing world.” - Klaver Women walking to water = no school Need water for agriculture
Defining the problem Who: Those who are water insecure – maybe focus on children What: lack of potable drinking water/sanitation another problem Where: Sub-Saharan Africa is biggest problem (thinking Kenya, Uganda, Sudan) When: Today – UN effort since ‘05 Why: See “The problem”
Places for sources GREENR UN Global Issues Academic Search Complete
What I don’t know Desertification? Can there be enough water for drinking, sanitation and agriculture? Where will water come from? Is it feasible for people to live in this part of the world?
Terms/Groups/Sources UNESCO-THE Institute for Water Education, located in Delft, the Netherlands
Audience African newspaper (do they exist in right regions?) U.S. newspaper? Our class? Who could carryout the solution?