Raising UNESCO’s visibility at country level First Interregional Meeting of National Commissions for UNESCO, 22-24 July 2014, Astana, Kazakhstan
The Secretariat of the HU Nat Com Unit of 3, Ministry of Human Resources SG = Head of Unit 1 programme officer for science + communication & information 1 programme officer for education + culture Administrative body of the Nat Com (biennial workplan based on C/5) Bilingual website (www.unesco.hu) Facebook page Quarterly bilingual newsletters Annual bilingual report Calendar, bookmark, posters
Education networks ASP schools (10 active in Hu) UNESCO Chairs (4 active) UNESCO Clubs (non active)
Natural Heritage and Development Inauguration of MAB plaque and L’Oreal award ceremony Media attention due to presence of ministers and celebrities http://www.youtube.com/user/forwomeninscience Constantly working on new partnerships
Building peace via social dialogue Interreligious dialogue, experts, common statement (Tihany, 2014) Summer university to experience natural& built heritage (Kőszeg) Promoting sport events for public attention (i.e. swimming contest on World Water Day)
Preserving Cultural Heritage WHC plaques, ICH map and system of county experts, events Memory of the World Register elements traveling exhibition (DG visit in Hungary, 2011)
Intersectoral possibilities Anniversaries (logo on related publications, plaques) Publications International years, days, decades International cooperation
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