Union of Palestinian Water Service Providers Arab Water Week | Dead sea 19 – 23 March 2017
UPWSP Establishing of UPWSP Mission, Vision and Objectives Strategic objectives Structure Activities and Services Becoming a member Contact
Establishing of UPWSP /تأسيس الاتحاد Established in 2007 upon initiative of main water service providers in Palestine March 2014 registered under the Ministry of Labor as a workers syndicate General Assembly elected a new Board of Directors in June 2016 تأسس في سنة 2007 بمبادرة من مجموع من مقدمي خدمات المياه الرئيسيين في فلسطين. في آذار 2014 تم تسجيل الاتحاد لدى وزارة العمل كنقابة عمالية. في حزيران 2016 انتخبت الهيئة العامة للاتحاد مجلس ادارة جديد
الرؤية والرسالة Vision and Mission The UPWSP vision is to become a pioneer union in improving the performance of its members and being able to proctect their interests. The UPWSP mission is to develop the performance of its members by providing them with the necessary support, especially in the area of knowledge and expertise sharing, and by representing and defending their interests which shall contribute to the overall development of the water sector in Palestine. الرؤية:- اتحاد رائد في تطوير أداء أعضاءه وقادر على حماية مصالحهم. تطوير أداء أعضاء الاتحاد من خلال توفير الدعم اللازم لهم خاصة في مجال تبادل المعرفة و الخبرات و تمثيلهم و الدفاع عن مصالحهم للمساهمة في النهوض بقطاع المياه في فلسطين. Vision and Mission الرؤية والرسالة
Strategic Objectives / الاهداف الاستراتيجية Institutional development of the Union and ensuring its financial sustainablilty Capacity and institutional building of its members Contribution to the development of the regulatory framework of the water sector, e.g. consultations with WSRC Contribution to members priorities in the national sectoral develpment plans, e.g. Consultation with PWA Integrate small Water Service Providers, e.g. to harmonize knowledge تطوير المؤسسة و تحقيق الاستدامة المالية لها بناء قدرات الاعضاء والتطوير المؤسسي. المساهمة في تطوير الاطار التنظيمي لقطاع المياه، كالتشاور مع المنظم. المساهمة في اولويات الاعضاء في خطط التطوير القطاعية، كالتشاور مع سلطة المياه الفلسطينية. دمج مقدمي المياه الاصغر حجما من اجل تحقيق التوافق المعرفي
Board of Directors /مجلس الادارة
External Consultant(s) Structure External Consultant(s) Chairman Deputy Executive Manager Working Groups Tariffs GIS Leackage Non-revenue water Energy effiency Waste Water / Desalination Human Resource Develepment Treasurer installs Secretary elects Board of Directors (9) employes elects General Assembly (42)
GIS Working Group
Members الأعضاء
Why to become a member? لماذا سانضم الى اتحاد؟ Your benefits from the UPWSP today: Receive free trainings through HCD component Exchange experience and learn from each others in the working groups Receive advice for technical issues through members and UPWSP consultants Be part of the annual water conference Use the promotional material of the UPWSP for your awareness campaign Your benefits from the UPWSP in the future: Promoting your interests through the UPWSP Facebook page and the UPWSP webpage Rent technical equipments from the UPWSP Receive access to publication about standards in water and wastewater provision Receive access to international donors Receive access to Palestinian Universities Why to become a member? لماذا سانضم الى اتحاد؟
Activities since 2015 Trainings on: Customer Service Skills Proposal Writing Operation and Maintenance for Sewage Network Debt collection Non-revenue water Computer skills and information management Electronic media such as customer services and public relation
Go to Facebook: Palestine Water Human Capacity Development Project (HCD)
Activities since 2015 Representing interests: Participation in workshops focusing on water tariffs, complaint systems and gender-equality management Participation in PWA steering committee focusing on technical trainings Production of a drama film on water conservation Production of a booklet and animated movie for school children on water conservation Representation during the World Water Day 2016 “Water & Job“
Activities since 2015 Field visit: Field visits to companies relevant to the water sector International cooperation events: IFAT 2016 in Munich, Germany Wasser Berlin 2015 in Germany Trade Arab Water Week 2015 in Jordan
Water Conference in Jericho (Dec 2016, 5 – 6) Best Practices in the Water Sector Palestine Around 750 participants from West Bank and Gaza Exhibition of private sector companies
Becoming a member كيف تصبح عضوا
Contact /التواصل Executive Manager: Samah Sawalha Email: sawalhaupwsp@gmail.com Phone: 02 240 2437 Mobile: 0598 924 497 Fax: 02 240 2512 www.facebook.com/upwsp www.upwsp.org Office: Sabir Tawil Building Al-Itha’a Quarter, Al Mubadeen St. Al-Bireh, Palestine