The basics Yearly attendance at training - update and feedback on previous year’s performance Mentoring paid at A4, (£24.70 )– LECB pay claim forms on VLE in FORMS & TEMPLATES You claim at the end of the mentoring process – all reports and claims finished now for 16/17 Pay claims, paper claim sent electronically to Training Office by 1st of the month. If later, go to following month. Mentoring reports required at 1 month and at the end of the process – pay claims to only be sent in when final report is sent back
Target groups - mentoring scheme To provide mentoring support to all new tutors at the College – all new tutors will be allocated mentor support – 3 hours for a tutor with existing teaching qualifications and 5 hours without (or out of date eg PTLLS at Level 3) To provide mentoring support for existing staff identified as underperforming –through performance management To provide mentoring support for our tutors on the DET Programme – 9 hours over the course of the year To provide additional support to tutors who do not pass their probationary period COACHING SUPPORT Target Groups The mentoring scheme is aimed at the following groups of staff: new staff/staff with a changed job role staff with professional development needs underperforming staff
MENTOR PERSON SPECIFICATION ROLE To support part-time staff in building on their strengths in teaching and to identify and, where possible, address areas for development so all staff provide high quality teaching and learning. Mentoring is confidential unless there are concerns about performance and behaviour. A mentor is able to listen with empathy; respond tactfully, share experiences and ideas. Mentors will be experienced tutors, with an absolute minimum of 1 year’s experience in the post- 16 sector, be recommended by their CM and hold a full teaching qualification. Generally mentors will also have - successful observation reports in the last round of classroom observations; an interest in teaching and learning and in sharing and cascading good practice with colleagues; good interpersonal skills in providing feedback and giving constructive comments in a supportive manner. Refer to College Policy – Policy Mentoring & Coaching
MENTORING PROCEDURE Mentoring forms on the VLE Establish contact straight away – if you are unable to establish contact within 5 days, let CM/Training know – sometimes this is because of email addresses etc First face to face meeting before or at first lesson – unless agreed otherwise Monitoring of mentee progress will involve being present at one of their lessons First written feedback to CM/training one month after start of mentoring Final Mentor feedback form Mentee feedback on the process
Forms to use - http://vle.tlcbexley.ac.uk
The mentor process All your mentoring forms are on the VLE Under STAFF ROOMS & RESOURCES, MENTORING D21 Mentor Information Sheet – includes mentor job role D22, D23, D24 Mentor request, Mentor confirmation to tutor, Confirmation to mentor D25 By the mentor at the start of the process Initial Mentor Feedback, One Month D26 By the mentor at the end of the process Review at end of each Mentoring Assignment D27 By the tutor – Supported Tutor Feedback form The mentor process
The essentials It is essential the mentor supports the tutor in using the following - Learner Induction PowerPoints Attendance Policy Tutor paperwork on the VLE (FORMS & TEMPLATES) Student Learner Record The Virtual Learning Environment, College email, technology for the classroom & booking out procedure Layout and facilities of the centre What happens if more support is needed?
Performance Management INTERACTIVE – work in pairs What do you understand by Performance Management ? What information feeds in to Performance Management? Write out the 2 questions on post it notes, work with the person next to you
MTLA - Monitoring of Teaching, Learning & Assessment Where mentoring fits in - Observations as a new tutor within the probation process - CM will observe a new tutor within first 5 months 1 month, 3 month, 5 month reviews in probation process The tutor will then come within main observation system Observation of Teaching & Learning Assessment - OTLA Observations will give strengths & areas of development – not grades at this stage
Teaching qualifications Tutors are required to gain a teaching qualification within 12 months of starting at the College – ideally straight away! Award, Certificate and Diploma in Education & Training (DET) Subject specialist pathways in English/Maths at partner Colleges Training budget: 2 years, full cost £2,700 pa. Contribution £400 towards the full Year 1 and £300 towards the full Year 2. Introductory Award in Education & Training One term, full cost £450. On application, the training budget will contribute £112 - (No Employee Development Scheme contribution)
MENTORING QUALIFICATION Ref Unit Title Level CV* GLH** 8605-340 Understanding Good Practice in Workplace Mentoring 3 9 Describe and define the purpose of workplace mentoring Explain the role, remit and responsibilities of an effective workplace mentor Describe the knowledge, skills and behaviour of an effective workplace mentor Explain what a workplace mentoring contract should include to ensure a quality, ethical mentoring relationship Explain how a model of mentoring can be used to manage a workplace mentoring relationship Explain the range of tools and techniques (including diagnostic tools and those exploring learning preferences) that can be used to support effective workplace mentoring Explain why it is important to maintain basic records of workplace mentoring and what these should contain Identify any potential barriers to workplace mentoring and explain suitable strategies to overcome these barriers Small initial pilot completed September 2017, half CMs, half tutors Will run again – our aim is to eventually offer this to all mentors Also looking at coaching unit accreditation
ROLE OF DET MENTOR Mentors who have come through our own DET programme. They will have the same role and responsibilities of that of the College mentor but need to attend training delivered by CCCU Mentors ideally to be subject specialists in the area of the person they are monitoring (or as near a subject specialist as possible). You will need to meet with your colleague approximately once a month and ideally you will undertake at least two observations of their teaching. The estimated time involved will be between 6 and 9 hours over the year. DTLLS Mentor:- Critical Friend/Guidance and Support Be a critical friend and a sounding board Give guidance and support but: Listen without always offering solutions, enabling independent thinking Be a subject specialist in the subject area of the person being mentored, provide support and advice about teaching methods appropriate to that specialist area and support in developing differentiation activities Be willing to share resources and experience Be contactable on a regular basis and prepared to give contact details out to mentee
Your questions and feedback