Alexander the Great & the Book of Daniel
Context – Daniel Chapter 2 & 7
Context – Daniel Chapter 2 & 7 KINGDOMS Political Powers Babylon Medo-Persia Greece Rome
Daniel the Prophet Born 623 BC Prophesied between 600 – 539 BC in Babylon Gives very detailed prophecies
Alexander the Great Born 356 BC & Died 323 BC Approx. 200 – 260 years after Daniel’s account Brilliant tactician, ruthless leader yet extremely charismatic
Alexander the Great Came to power at age 19 in 336 BC Built a massive empire in a few short years Reached India around 326 BC
Alexander’s Empire
Alexander v Darius Darius 100,000 – 150,000 troops Alexander 35,000 troops 3 major battles Granicus Issus Gaugamela
Battle of Issus…Face Off
Battle of Issus…Attack!
Battle of Issus…Game Over!
Empire Builder Alexander conquers Medo-Persians Fights all the way to India Suddenly dies at age 33 His empire splits amongst 4 generals
Empire Divided
Significance Critics say: the book of Daniel could not be so accurate Attack its authenticity Insist it was written after the fact
Significance Daniel has detailed knowledge of Babylon ie Belshazzar Nabonidus Cylinders 1853 Evidence found in Dead Sea Scrolls discovered in 1950’s Links accurately with other prophetic books of the Bible
Last Word “Surely the Lord God will do nothing, but he revealeth his secret unto his servants the prophets” Amos 3: 7