Riverside High School Choirs 2017-2018
Choir Director Mr. Luke Black Contact Info: luke.black@lcps.org Riverside High School Choirs Booster and Teacher account – all things choir Facebook TBD – teacher account Twitter @RVHSChoralBoosters Booster account Instagram@ Mr. Black will also provide a Remind account for students to use.
Mark your calendar August 15 – Meet the Teacher @ Buffalo Wing Factory (5-8 PM) August 16th - Show Choir camp (4-6:00 PM) August 17 – 3:30 – 5:30 – uniform fitting during school kick off event August 18th - Show Choir camp (4-6:00 PM) August 21, 22: Advanced Ensemble camp (4-6 PM)
Mark your calendar August 21, 22: Advanced Ensemble camp (4-6 PM) August 26th: Corn Hole tournament September 9: TAG Day
Choir Mini Camps Show Choir: August 16, 18 from 4 – 6 p.m. Advanced Ensemble: August 21, 22 from 4 - 6 p.m.
Choir Activity Fee: $150 /year
Activity Fees Help Pay For … Uniforms Sheet Music Choir t-shirts Concert programs Decorations for special events and concerts Charms communication and inventory software Dry cleaning Student recognition awards Fees and transportation to festivals, competitions and auditions Postage, office supplies and other items needed by the director and students for the program Specialized equipment and props for concerts A detailed copy of the Budget is available upon request and will be posted online soon.
Choir Activity Fee: We provide several opportunities for students to earn the money to cover the necessary fees. Fundraisers that go to student accounts are: Corporate sponsorships Mom’s Apple Pie sales Citrus Sales Caroling
Fundraisers: We try to complete most fundraisers in the first half of the year so funds are available for students and the director to use.
2017-2018 Planned Fundraisers: Cornhole (August) TAG Day (September) Corporate Solicitation letters (September) Mom’s Apple Pie (Thanksgiving) Caroling (Nov./Dec.) Citrus sales (November)
2017-2018 Planned Fundraisers: White House Ornament sales (fall-winter) Restaurant Spirit nights (one per month, first semester) Superbowl Squares (two weeks prior to Superbowl)
Uniform Information Provided: Guys – Men’s and Advanced Ensemble choirs = Tuxedos – jacket, pants, shirt, tie, cummerbund Show Choir – pants, blue shirt, and blue tie Women’s Choir, Advanced Ensemble – long black dresses Show Choir women – blue sequin dresses
Uniform Information All Students need to provide their own shoes.
Uniform Information Men, all choirs: black, patent leather shoes, with suede soles. Options: Very Fine Men's Salsa Ballroom Tango Latin Dance Shoes 917101 Bundle with Dance Shoe Wire Brush Heel 1" Dance4less - black patent leather Very Fine Men's Standard and Smooth shoes, split sole (Series CD9317)
Uniform Information Men, all choirs: More Options: Roymall Men's Latin Dance Shoes, Patent Leather,Model 703 Bininbox New Modern Men's Ballroom Latin Tango Dance Shoes Salsa heeled Footwear
Uniform Information Men, all choirs: Please note that ALL boys shoes are kept at the choral room in the school, in the box with the student’s name on it. These shoes cannot be worn outside due to the suede sole, and we prefer to store them with the uniforms. Once received, please be sure to put your student’s name on the box (and in the shoes if possible), and bring them to school.
Uniform Information Women in Advanced Ensemble and Women’s choir: Capezio black character shoes, 2 inch heel Women in Show Choir: Capezio tan character shoes, 1.5 inch heel
Parent Volunteers Part of Riverside Fine Arts Boosters VP Choir- Janice Palumbo Treasurer/Bookkeeper- Cassandra Donahue Secretary-Sandy Hoover
Parent Opportunities Uniform care Chaperone Competitions/ Performances Scholarship committee Cabaret planning Fundraising Events Publicity for Concerts End-of-year banquet planning Office help (copying) Food/Water donation Parent Opportunities
Join the Booster Organizations! Choir Supporters work to support the Choir Director and all Choir students over the course of the year through fundraising and event support. Memberships are $35 - $350.
Communication Tool = “Charms” Emails, financial statements, uniform inventory, and music inventory will all go through Charms. PLEASE be sure to register so you do not miss important communications from the director and the Choirs Boosters.
Communication Tool = “Charms” A form will come home with students to walk you through this. Parents can also set up accounts at the uniform fitting on August 17 and at Back-to-School on August 21.
Thank you! We look forward to a great year!