The SIX Qs of CAPS Accessing Mental Health Services On Campus Presented by: Jeniffer Reyes, LCSW
What is CAPS? Counseling & Psychological Services Services Provided Individual counseling Couples counseling Support groups Mediation services Brief assessments Mental health triage Mental health workshops Referrals CAPS offers short-term counseling and psychotherapy services, emergency/crisis services, outreach, suicide and personal violence services, and referral resources. All mental health services are provided within professional, legal and ethical boundaries. Currently enrolled students are eligible for services.
CAPS Workshops Mindfulness and Relaxation Becoming Your Best Self Getting Un-Stuck The Power of Storytelling De-Stress Yourself Overcoming Negative Self-Talk Success Beyond Perfectionism Maintaining Healthy Relationships Effective Communication for Relationships
Who are these CAPS People? Jonna Fries, PsyD Paris Silva, LCSW Jackie Meltz, PsyD Maritza Nigro, LCSW Yadira Anguiano, PsyD Cameron Holliday, LCSW David Rudesill, LCSW Thea Winkler, LMFT Jeniffer Reyes, LCSW Jean Wang, LCSW
Why Do We Need CAPS? Counseling and Psychological Services (CAPS) provides professional non-judgmental help with your personal growth and psychological wellness. CAPS specializes in mental health services which can help you: Express thoughts and feelings Gain perspective Alleviate emotional symptoms Improve coping skills Make healthy changes in your life
How Do We Access CAPS Services? Referral Self Staff/Faculty Appointments can be made by calling (323) 343-3314 Triage-same day appointment for emergency situations In Person/Via Phone Not available online at this time Consent for services Health & Safety Code § 124260 “[A] minor who is 12 years of age or older may consent to [outpatient] mental health treatment or counseling services if, in the opinion of the attending professional person, the minor is mature enough to participate intelligently in the mental health treatment or counseling services.” Health & Saf. Code § 124260.
Where is CAPS again? Student Health Center (2nd Floor) Other services offered: Chiropractic clinic Counseling and psychological services CPR training Dental clinic Family planning and emergency contraception Health promotion and education Immunizations Laboratory, pharmacy and x-ray Massage therapy Men's health care Nutrition clinic Optometry clinic Psychiatric services Tuberculosis screening and counseling Victim assistance Women's health care
When can I come to CAPS? Monday-Thursday 8:30am-6pm Friday 8:30am-5pm Appointments Only Triage services-same day appointment for emergency situations
ReCAP…Get it? What? Who? Why? How? Where? When? Mental health/wellness services Who? Great People like us! Why? College..and life in general is hard and sometimes you want to talk about it! How? Self Referral or Staff/Faculty Referral Where? Student Health Center When? Weekdays, Standard Business Hours
Questions? Comments? Thoughts?